25 - Narration

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Hope is sleeping peacefully on her bed with Josie by her side when she is rudely awake by a heavy weight landing on her legs. The auburn-haired girl groans in pain as she sits up to curse at whatever caused her the pain. And her eyes land on none other than Lizzie Saltzman. "Lizzie, what the hell?!" she yells pushing the blonde off the bed.

"Ow!" Lizzie's cry in pain manages to wake up the other girl on the bed. The brunette rubs the sleep off her eyes as she scans the room. Hope does the same.

The rest of their friends stand by the end of the bed with sheepish smiles on their faces. When Lizzie gets back on her feet -- with her boyfriend's help-- she gives Hope her famous death glare. "Bitch, that hurt!"

"So did you jumping on my legs!" Hope shouts reciprocating the same look on Lizzie's face.

"I wanted to wake you up!"

"You could've just shook me awake!"

"Yeah, well--"

"Guys! Can we not shout this early in the morning, please?" The brunette interrupts, her hand massaging her temples.

"Josie, it's almost time for lunch..." MG says hugging his girlfriend from behind to calm the blonde down. A soft 'oh' left the couple's mouth as they checked the clock on the other side of the room.

"That's why we're here actually. Rebekah asked us to wake you guys up. We're going out for lunch, then going Christmas shopping right after." Cleo says slowly pushing their friends out of the room to give the couple their space. "Oh and we're leaving in 30 minutes so hurry up and get ready!" Jed adds before closing the door.

Hope lets out a heavy sigh as she gets out of bed. Josie whines at the loss of contact. "Babe, you heard them. We gotta go." The brunette pouts but gets up nonetheless.

Josie grabs her towel and lazily walks over to the bathroom. Hope gives her girlfriend a quick kiss and hug. "Be quick, yeah? I have to take a shower too."

Josie takes her chin out of Hope's shoulder for her eyes to scan her girlfriend's body with thinly veiled lust. A teasing smirk grew on her lips. "Why don't you just shower with me? It saves water and lessens the time." Josie says, her voice low like a siren. Luring Hope closer and closer to the bathroom.

Hope's mind is instantly flooded with thoughts she should not be having. Josie's smirk only grows when she sees the kind of daze Hope is trapped in. By the time they reach the door frame, the older girl snaps out of her trance. The older girl scowls when she catches sight of Josie's teasing face. "Haha. Very funny, Saltzman. We're gonna be late." Hope says pushing her girlfriend into her bathroom. When the door shuts Hope can faintly hear Josie's giggle before the water turns on.

Hope takes several steps back from the door, as she busies herself with her phone to distract herself from the shivers running down her spine when she thinks about what had just occurred.


The couple joins the rest of their family and friends in the courtyard. Everyone looked like they were ready to go and were just simply waiting on them. "Finally! What took you two so long?" Rebekah asks, impatient as ever.

"Relax you said 30 minutes. It's only been 25." Rebekah rolls her eyes at her niece's words.

"Why'd you two wake up so late anyway?" Marcel asks, coming up behind his wife's shoulders.

"You don't wanna know what kept them up last night," Lizzie answers for them.

A look of confusion passes everyone's face before realization hits. They all shake in horror in disgust. "Oh get your mind out of the gutter. We just binged all the Harry Potter movies last night."

Perfect Couple - in a not so perfect situationWhere stories live. Discover now