35 - Narration

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"Remind me again why we didn't just hire someone to do this for us?" Hope asks as she finishes the last piece of the decorations.

Her girlfriend laughs as she skips her way over to the auburn-haired girl, hugging her from behind. "We did. These are just finishing touches, baby."

Hope groans leaning against her girlfriend's front. "Still. The decorators could've done this."

"Yeah well Rebekah kicked them out the moment she found them doing something wrong."

Hope laughs remembering the scene vividly. Hope honestly feels bad for the man, he looked like he was about to piss himself seeing that three angry blondes were coming for his throat. "I swear aunt Bex, Lizzie, and your mom were just waiting for them to do something wrong so that they had a good reason to kick them out without dad getting angry at them for firing who he hired."

Josie laughs and kisses Hope's cheek. "I wouldn't put it past them."

Hope turns around and tucks Josie's hair behind her ear, smiling. "Where are they anyway? I would expect that they'd be watching us making sure we don't mess the decor up."

The brunette scans the courtyard, only now realizing that they were alone.  "They're probably getting ready for the party. Which is exactly what we should be doing. Come on." Josie tugs on her girlfriend's arm, dragging her up the stairs, and pulls her towards their room. "I wanna show you the yellow dress Lizzie bought for me."

Hope eagerly follows the brunette. A wide grin on her face.

But the sound of the front door opening tears Hope's eyes away from her girlfriend. Hope leans against the railing to look at who just walked inside. "Maya?" Hope calls out as she sees her brunette friend walk into the courtyard.

Maya is dressed in her party attire. She is wearing black pants paired with a black blazer over her black bra.

Woah. Too much skin on display. But that's Maya for you. Always so confident with her body.

Hope lets go of her girlfriend's hand and walks back downstairs. "What are you doing here so early? The party isn't set out to start until 8. You're an hour early."

"I wanted to see your gorgeous face." Maya shrugs, a devious smirk on her face. Hope laughs seeing through her friend's charade.

Before Hope could comment about it Josie speaks. "Hope, I'm gonna go ahead and get ready. You catch up with Maya."

"No that's ok—" Josie leaves before Hope could finish her sentence.

"Shit." Maya curses bringing Hope's attention back to her. "Sorry, Hopey I didn't notice she was in the room."

The auburn-haired girl smiles and waves it off. "It's fine. I'll talk to her later." Hope hooks their arms together and drags Maya to the kitchen. "Some of the champagne should be out by now."

Maya beams hearing Hope's words and eagerly follows after her friend. "Yes! I love you so much!"


As Hope was getting Maya something to drink, Josie rushed into her sister's room. "Lizzie, I need a new dress!"

The distress in the brunette's voice makes Lizzie drop the makeup brush she was holding and makes MG stop playing around with his collar.

"But the yellow dress was perfect for you." The blond crosses her hands over her chest, her eyes observing. "Why do you want a new one?"


"What does Maya have to do with this?" Lizzie asks extremely confused by her twin's behavior.

Josie grabs Lizzie's hand and pulls her towards the window showing her a clear view of Hope and Maya. "Just look at her." Lizzie's eyes scan Maya's figure and outfit trying to piece together the puzzle Josie left behind. But the piece she has barely makes a picture.

"Jo, I am not following."

Josie groans in frustration. "Hope literally dropped my hand to go to Maya. I'm worried, Liz. And my overthinking shit of a brain is not helping keep the insecurities at bay. Help me."

Everything clicks for Lizzie. "Say no more."

Lizzie walks up to MG to ask him to leave but her boyfriend was already one step ahead of her. "I leave you, girls, to it. I'll be at Jed and Cleo's room." And then he was gone.

When the twins were the only ones left in the room they instantly get to work. Lizzie tries to look for a dress that'll match Josie's girlfriend, While the brunette starts doing her make-up.

"Ah-ha! I found it." Lizzie yells holding up a black dress. She hands the dress to Josie along with a black belt and purse. "Accessories to complete the look."

The brunette takes everything out of Lizzie's hands and puts them on the bed. "Put them on already."

"Okay. Geez." Josie puts on the dress while Lizzie finishes up her makeup.

By the time Josie has put everything on, Lizzie's makeup was done and she was looking at her sister with a proud smile.

"You look beautiful, Jo. Hope wouldn't be looking at Maya now. She'd be an idiot if she ever takes her eyes off of you."

Josie blushes in embarrassment at her sister's words. "Thank you, Lizzie. And I forgot to tell you but... You look beautiful too."

Josie walks toward the mirror and inspects the dress she's wearing. Lizzie wasn't kidding. Josie does look absolutely beautiful.

The dress didn't look like the dresses Josie would usually wear. This dress had sleeves up to her elbows, and a very high slit that started from her thigh and showed a good amount of cleavage, which gives her the perfect opportunity to show off her Mikaelson necklace.

The dress had a very girl boss attitude to it. Which Josie hopes is good enough to top Maya's outfit. Not that she cares. (She cares)

A knock could be heard from the door, followed by Hope's voice. "Jo? Are you there? The party is about to start."

The brunette walks towards the door but Lizzie gently pushes her aside as she opens the door just enough for her head to stick out. "My sister and I will be out shortly. You should go ahead."

"But—" "That is all." Lizzie closes the door in Hope's face.

"That was rude." Josie points out. Ever the defender of her girlfriend.

Lizzie only rolls her eyes. "Well, I'm sorry if I wanted Hope to wait a little longer. You look fantastic, Jo. You deserve a grand entrance."

Josie rolls her eyes at her sister's words but deep down she liked the sound of having a grand entrance. It would be nice to have a princess walk down the stairs with everyone's eyes —especially Hope— on you.

"Fine. What should we do in the meantime?" Josie asks sitting on the bed. "I have no idea," Lizzie says plopping down next to her twin.

The two end up talking about their outfits with Hope and MG matching with them to pass the time.

And before they knew it, the courtyard was filled with people and it was time for them to join in on the party.

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