Chapter 2

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Eleanor's P.O.V.

I woke up next to Ashton the next morning. Wait... It was real? I moved his arm draped on my waist, and decided to look for Addi.

I tiptoed downstairs and I saw Addi on the couch, flipping through channels on the T.V.

I plopped right next to her. "Good morning." I greeted. "Morning." She flipped to Nickelodeon and it was Spongebob.

Hours later Ashton came down, and let out a sigh when he saw me. "What did I say about leaving me?" He asked me. "Nothing." I answered.

"Nothing." He mocked me in a girly voice, but it was above a whisper. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to the show that was currently.

"We're boreeedddd." Addi and I said. We've been bothering them for 30 minutes now, saying 'we're bored' and it's fun.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Ashton asked us. "Sureeeeeeeeee." We said, extending the 'e'.

Once we got out, Ashton, Elliot, Ryan and Carter started to strip. I stared at Ashton's abs. I forced myself not to look at the sight, instead looking at the forest. "Damn." Addi said, looking at Elliot.

I mentally face palmed myself, then I heard bones cracking. I turned around and saw 4 wolves standing in front of us. "You see this too, right?" I whispered to Addi.

"They shifted into their wolves... I thought it would be different." Addi said, clearly surprised. There was a pitch black wolf, a brownish blackish wolf, a sandy blonde wolf, and a brown wolf with an ear that is white.

Two wolves in front and two wolves in the back, and we started to walk into the forest.

"This is awkward." Addi whispered to me. "Yeah. I know. Oh well, at least we have something to do to kill time."

The two wolves in front stopped. I heard growls, but I think it wasn't from them. Someone clapped, to my left, and my head snapped that way. "Well, what do we have here? Alpha Ashton, Beta Elliot, Gamma Carter, and warrior Ryan." The mystery guy said.

"With two humans!" He said, referring to us. Bones started to snap, and I saw Ashton with the three others standing on two feet, they've shifted back.

"What do you want, rouge." Rouge... A werewolf that doesn't have a pack, either kicked out, forced, or ran away from their original pack. Or, they were born a rouge.

"We just want to meet these two lovely people. I can see one is your mate." The rouge said.

All of a sudden, more people came from the trees, pouring out. We were surrounded and out numbered.

"Go." And everything went into chaos.

Two people went for us, although still in human form, and me and Addi got ready to attack.

He ran right for me, and I punched his stomach, he stumbled back, and tried to punch me in the stomach, but I blocked, and punched his face, giving him a bloody nose.

This went on for about 10 minutes and everyone is knocked out. Very few was killed.

I was admiring the view when someone grabbed me. I was about to scream when he put a hand over my mouth. He pulled my into the forest trees, so we were out of sight.

I bite his pinky, and he pulled back his hand, then I screamed, but it was short when he put his hand over my mouth again. "What was that?!" I heard Ashton. "I dunno, but it sounded like Ele." Addi said. "Crap. We need to find her." Elliot said. With that, they went silent. "There."

I was pulled back again, and he was holding something against my neck. It was a knife, obviously. When my friends, or should I say, friend and werewolves came into view, I jerked my head back, making him release me. He stumbled back a few steps. I stepped forward and punched his jaw.

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