Chapter 20

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Eleanor's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning feeling like shit. Ashton had to leave for his Alpha duties, leaving me to wake up alone in our bed.

With much effort, I walked to the bathroom and looked at my reflection. My hair is a bird's nest, I had puffy red eyes, bags, and the list goes on.

I ignored it, as I got my bath ready. After doing my morning routine, I looked a bit better, excluding my bags and slightly red eyes.

I went downstairs to the kitchen and saw that the girls, the twins, Rae, Blake, and Ryan was here.

"G'morning!" Addison greeted. "Morning." I mumbled back. I grabbed a cereal box, not caring which one I pick, poured it in a bowl and poured some milk in the bowl.

I sat on the island and put my head on the granite. "You okay?" I heard Addison ask. "Just peachy." I said.

I raised my head, put my elbow on the granite instead and rested my head in my open hand. I started eating my cereal lazily.

I see Addison stare at me, "Hm?" I said, munching on my cereal. Addison kept staring at me, "There's something wrong with you." She said.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I feel the same."

She started touching my forehead with the back of her hand, she checked my pulse, and other stuff that doctors usually do.

When I was done with my cereal, I put it in the sink. When I turned around, Addison suddenly had a clipboard. "Your temperature is fine, your pulse is normal..." She kept going until she said, "Your perfectly fine!"

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine. Now if you excuse me, Ill be going back to bed." I said, trying to move past her, but she moved in front of me again.

"No. You've been kept up there for too long!" She explained. I shrugged my shoulders again, "There's no where else to go."

"Yeah there is! There's millions of places where we can go. We just gotta ask," She looked over me and there was instantly four 'no's'

"See?" I said.

She mumbled something under her breath, "That doesn't mean we can still hangout!" She said. "If I say yes, will you stop annoying me?" I said getting irritated. She nodded eagerly.

I let her drag me with her right arm and dragged Roxy with her left arm, Skylar following us.

We entered my old room, me flopping on the bed. "What do you guys wanna do if we have nothing to do?" I said in the mattress.

"I dunno. It's been a long time since we all were together." Addison said, sitting next to me. "We can sleep." I suggested. "No." They all said in sync.

I groaned and let my face fall onto the mattress. "You're grumpier than usual." Addison said, Roxy and Skylar agreed.

"I just had a bad day." I mumbled. I really do, I woke up feeling like crap and I didn't get enough sleep. Although I slept for almost three days straight.

"We could try sneaking out like what we used to do!" Addison said. I looked up to see Skylar and Roxy exchanging looks. "I would like to try jumping out a window." Roxy said. "I'd like to see Eleanor punch Carter!" Skylar exclaimed.

"He's your mate. Aren't you angry?" I said confused. She smiled at me, "Nope! Not at all. He deserved that punch, although my wolf was pretty angry at you."

"Sorry." I said sheepishly. "He was provoking me."

"If we do get out, where would we go?" Roxy asked. "Great question. We can go to our old house. Pretty sure the bills are stacked by now." Addison said.

"Okay, let's go."

"Wait, are we going to just steal a car?" Roxy asked. "Roxy, Roxy, Roxy," Addison said, swinging her index finger right to left. "Of course we are!"

"Are we going to casual way, or the awesome way?"

"Awesome way." They all said in sync.

We opened the window and see if there was anyone below us. "Coast is clear!" Addison said. Addison and I jumped on a tree nearby while Roxy and Skylar jumped out of the window and landed on their feet swiftly.

We jumped off the tree and landed on our feet and hands. We got up and peeked over the side of the house to see if there was anyone there.

"I call driving!" I said. "Shotgun!" Addison said. Roxy and Skylar mumbled under their breath, but nodded anyways.

We went over to a random car and opened the doors. Surprised that it was opened, we stood there like idiots until or shocked moments past.

We all entered the car, searching for the keys. Addison found it in the cup holder. I rolled my eyes on how stupid they were.

I inserted the key where the key is supposed to go. The engine roared to life, I drove away once the engine started.

The forest trees were going by fast, but I didn't care. "Um, Eleanor, aren't you going a bit too fast?" Addison said, gripping on her seat. I shrugged, "I don't know. There's no speed limit here." Right when I said that, a speed limit sign passed, saying 'SPEED LIMIT 25' and I was going 80.

"Fine, fine. For your sake I'll go slower." I said. I slowed down until I reached the limit.

Once we got on the highway, Roxy and Skylar rolled down the back windows and stuck their heads out.

I purposely drove closer to a silver car and Skylar instantly pulled her head back in the car, "Are you trying to kill me?!" She said. I grinned, "Maybe."

We finally made it to our old house, exiting our car I see our mailbox was about to explode.

We emptied the mailbox and carried the letters in the house. I got out my keys and unlocked the door. Everything looked the same from the last time we were here.

"I'ma go to my room." I said, walking up the stairs.

I entered my room, everything looked the same, but the window was slightly opened. I stared at it in confusion, I remembered I locked everything before I left.

I walked towards the window to close it. When I turned back around, I see a guy wearing a black cape and an over sized hat big enough to block his face.

I stepped back, and got into an attack position. He suddenly snaps his fingers, so quiet I barely heard it.

Two other guys stepped out from the shadows. What the fudge. If I remembered correctly, there was no shadows in my room.

The two guys pinned my arms on the floor, but made sure I landed on the floor as quiet as I could. I screamed, but it got caught off by someone putting their hand over my mouth.

I started kicking my feet, banging on the floor whenever my feet came in contact with the floor. The two guys held my feet in place somehow.

I struggled to break free, but when I saw the guy in the middle pull out a huge ass syringe, I stopped for a second before trying to break free.

He inserted the syringe on my arm. Black dots started to block my vision to see, my strength reducing. The two guys let me go and one threw me over his shoulder.

Before I was completely blacked out, I heard someone say, "Mission accomplished. Returning to base."


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