Chapter 13

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Ashton's P.O.V.

I watched Eleanor as she pinned Addison down. Addison somehow managed to flip them over, and she was now straddling Eleanor.

"How I want to be in Eleanor's position right now." Elliot mumbled. I patted his shoulders, "You will, one day."

Addison asked to spar, which Eleanor accepted. They both got into their stances, and began attacking one another.

One of Eleanor's move was like one of the warriors in my pack would do. Addison dodged it to my surprise.

Suddenly, Eleanor's bite mark on her right shoulder began to glow. Addison stared at her best friend either scared or astonish.

Her body did the same, it glowed. The light began to dim little by little and Eleanor's eyes began to drop.

She hit the ground as the light disappear, and Addison was still standing there like she has seen a ghost.

We ran to them and Addison dropped into Elliot's hold. He whispered things to her to try to calm her racing heart.

I went to Eleanor and touched her forehead. Cold. I started to panic, but I could still hear her heartbeat. I carried my mate bridal style and ran into the pack house, directly to the pack doctor.

'Bill, your Luna is unconscious, I will be in your office in a minute. Be prepared.' I linked him. 'Yes Alpha.' He replied quickly.

Bill opened the door for me, probably after smelling me, and rushed in. He told me to place Eleanor on a hospital bed, which I did.

He began checking her blood, then her pulse. He touched her forehead, and instantly pulled back. "What''s wrong?" I asked.

"Her blood is fine, but something is off. It seemed that when the red-eyed rouge bit her, his venom went into her blood stream."

"Can we do something?" I asked. We're never able to do anything. "In this situation, we can." Bill said.

"What? What can we do?" I asked. "It would be like marking her, but it is where her shoulder is, not where her shoulder blade and neck meets."

"But when I do mark her, won't it be really close to the rouge bite?" I question. "Yes, yes it will. Which makes the marking hurt more than it should. But the rouge mark should disappear once you have bitten the same spot, she will also still need to see a family member she hasn't seen in a long time before the mark can disappear."

"If I re-bite the mark now, it will not disappear, right?" I asked. "Yes. It will not disappear until she sees her long lost parents I assume."

I sighed and let one of my hands run through my hair. "Do you know when she will wake up?"

"No, Alpha. I'm sorry I do not know when she will be awaking." He replied.

"Can she move to my room?"

"Of course Alpha. I may need to visit sometimes to check on her blood." I nodded my head and carried her bridal style. Bill opened the door for me and I thanked him. I headed to my room with Bill following close behind.

I went up the flight of stairs, and finally reached my destination, my room. I set Eleanor down on my bed, and Bill started setting up stuff he had brought with him.

I went to the desk that was in my room. Looking at the results we got from the two rouges trespassing into my land.

We have found out that they are both mates, one is male due to the strong aura, and one is female. They live in an apartment not too far from here. The male used to be an Alpha. The female is a human, while the male is a werewolf.

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