Chapter 8

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Eleanor's P.O.V.


We waited almost half an hour when there was a knock on my window.

"Finally! They're here." Addison said. I opened my door only finding...

I screamed.

~Present day~

There, Jerry was laughing on the floor, with Ryan taking a picture of how I reacted.

Terry was the one who got kicked where the sun doesn't shine. Serves him right.

You know what the assholes did? I know, this may sound stupid but it was scary as hell...

Terry had on a monster mask that looked like a messed up wolf. Yeah, yeah. I got scared by my own kind.

Ashton and Elliot was chuckling, but wasn't laughing as hard as Ryan, Carter, Blake, and Jerry.

I huffed, linked arms with Addison and marched towards the mall.

They quickly caught on and dusted themselves, speed walking towards us, but that makes us walk faster towards the mall.

Once we entered, we ran to Victoria Secrets, Skylar snickering then following us.

The boys looked around, and sat at a bench near the store. "Man, sometimes we need girl bodyguards." I heard, barely.

"Okay, so what's the plan for getting them back?" Skylar asked.

Addison placed her finger where her chin was, thinking hard about something. "Ooh! I know. Don't they hate it when they separate from their mates?"

Skylar nodded, "Yeah. So what's your point?" Stretching out the 'a' in yeah.

"I'd say, we play hide and seek."

Skylar and I smirked in approval. "Hell yeah."

We peeked out of the store, not too much, and see what they were doing. Girls were flirting with them, but they simply ignored them.

"Okay, those slutty girls will be our distraction. We run, or speed walk towards another store, then we store jump." Skylar said. We nodded, and headed out as normally as we could.

They didn't seem to notice them because they were all on their phones. Although, Jerry and Terry flirted back. I shivered in disgust.

We walked towards another store that we didn't bother to look at the name, and started to look through the clothes as if it was interesting.

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