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"Okay class, you will be grouped into 4 for this experiment" The professor uttered. Jimin, Yoongi, Via, and Herold were in the same group while Quinn, Jungkook, Eunwoo, and Lily were grouped. Jin was separated with everyone except for Taehyung.
"Crap" Quinn made a side comment
"Pardon, Miss Davids?" the professor uttered
"Oh, I'm sorry ma'am, i-" Jungkook cut her off
"I accidentally stepped on her foot ma'am"
"Very well, it's settled then, Miss Davids please avoid such words next time"
"Yes ma'am, my apologies" Quinn replied
"Thanks man" Quinn smiled at Jungkook as they went to the laboratory and went to there designated areas. The experiment began and everyone was working.
"Awkward" Jimin smirked
"Shut up Park" Via replied
"Via, i'm really-" Via cut Herold off
"Look, I don't want to talk about it okay let's just work on our experiment shall we"
"Okay, i'm sorry" Herold replied
"Vee, do you want to maybe hang out later?" Yoongi asked
"I'll check my schedule first, coz Jin and I might go somewhere later" Via smiled

"You're not even doing it right Lily" Quinn said slapping Lily's hand
"Hey don't you hurt her Davids" Eunwoo scolds Quinn
"Stay out of it dude, i'm not risking my grades for her ignorance and her being an absolute dumbass" Quinn replied
"Excuse me?" Lily replied
"What do you want dumbass?" Quinn rolled her eyes
"Watch your mouth Quinn or i'll" Eunwoo replied
"You'll what? hurt me? hit me? yeah right i'd like to see you try" Quinn replied
"Are you being serious right now? do you really want trouble?" Eunwoo grabbed Quinn's wrist
"Don't you dare touch me" Eunwoo let go of Quinn's wrist as she glared at him
"Stop fighting, let's just get this done okay?" Jungkook cut in
"Okay, i'm sorry Jungkook" Quinn patted Jungkook's back
"You don't need to apologize" Jungkook smiled
As they were working on their experiment, Eunwoo accidentally spilled a chemical which splashed a little bit on Quinn's hand, she was wearing gloves but the chemical still managed to burn her skin
"Motherfucker!" Quinn exclaimed
"Oh my gosh" Lily screamed
"Watch it man" Jungkook added
"Language miss Davids!" The professor walked towards their area
"I'm sorry ma'am it just burns so bad" Quinn replied
"Eunwoo, please escort miss Davids to the clinic" the professor expressed
"I'll do it ma'am" Jungkook interrupted
"It's alright i can go alone" Quinn objected
"I am the teacher therefore you follow my orders"
Eunwoo walked Quinn to the clinic and as they were on their way
"It was an accident" Eunwoo uttered
"Yeah sure i believe you" Quinn replied
"Don't be sarcastic Q" Eunwoo crossed his arms
"I'm not and don't call me Q, we are far from friends so you can't call me that" Quinn rolled her eyes
"Okay Davids"
As soon as they got to the clinic, Eunwoo waited for Quinn to be finished.
"Why are you still here?" Quinn asked
"Because i was told to, i was forced to now let's go back and finish the experiment" Eunwoo replied
They went back to the laboratory and continued doing their experiment.

At lunch break...
"How's your hand?" Yoongi asked
"Its alright, I have a very high tolerance for pain you know" Quinn winked
"Yes you do" Jungkook smirked as Quinn elbowed him
"If you need help with anything just let me know, we're literally neighbors and i'm one call away" Yoongi replied
"Thank you Yoongi you're so thoughtful" Quinn blushed
"I can stay at your place tonight if you want" Jungkook cut in
"No you don't have to, i'll be fine" Quinn replied, Jungkook felt sad that he couldn't spend more time with Quinn.
"Anyways, I gotta go to the library, i need to do something, i'll see you after class" Quinn uttered
"Wait after class?" Jungkook asked
"Yeah, i'm skipping classes to do something bye" Quinn replied leaving
"You like her do you?" Yoongi smirked
"No i don't" Jungkook replied
"If you don't confess, she might fall for Taehyung instead, if i were you just tell Quinn how you feel" Yoongi replied
"I don't know, i'm really scared to ruin our friendship, I like her a lot" Jungkook blushed
"I knew it, you finally admitted it!" Yoongi laughed
"Please don't tell her" Jungkook pouted
"Ofcourse i won't, i'm not at the right place to do that, but a friendly advice Jk, just tell her you feel coz who knows she might feel the same about you" Yoongi patted Jungkook's back.
"You don't understand, she likes- I mean nothing it's really hard for me" Jungkook got nervous
"She likes who?" Yoongi asked
"I don't know maybe she still likes Eunwoo i don't know, I gotta go" Jungkoor replied leaving


Man, Why didn't i do this homework now i'm all stressed out. Taehyung sat beside me and offered help, I didn't reject his offer because i really needed a lot of help anyways. I finished my homework after two hours, and Taehyung accompanied me as I went to the faculty's room and submitted my paper.
"Want to hang out and skip class?" Taehyung smirked
"Hmm, yeah let's go!" I replied as we went to the park, we went for a walk and just talked about life. He was very sweet, he bought me ice cream and we went boating, he really made this day special for me, I'm actually starting to like him romantically but i'm still trying to stop myself, I just can't be in another relationship for now.
"What's on your mind? you can tell me" Taehyung asked
"Nothing much, i'm just happy i met you, you're literally so sweet i don't deserve this" I replied
"You only deserve the best Quinn, and i hope i can be the man who's best for you" Taehyung held my hands and kissed my forehead, it was sunset and it was really romantic.
"I had a fun day, thanks Taehyung" I smiled
"Thank you for spending time with me Q, i'll see you tomorrow, good night" Taehyung replied
"Good night" I replied as he just stood up at my front door "Is there anything else?" I asked
"I'm really shy but, can i maybe get a kiss?" Taehyung blushed
"Oh, i-" I simply gave Taehyung a kiss on the cheek
"I'll see you tomorrow, bye Q" Taehyung had the biggest smile on his face as he left
"Nice one Q!" Yoongi said loudly
"Hey! were you watching us the whole time?" I asked
"Yes i was! come on over!" He replied as I went to his place, we had the same routine every night and that was me going to his place and chilling at his balcony talking about life and how are day went. Yoongi told me about how happy he was because of Via, they went out for dinner, i was really surprised that Jin was okay with it but he actually was, I guess he really trusted Via and Yoongi which was a good thing. I always knew Yoongi wouldn't do anything stupid to ruin Jin and Via's relationship and i really admired him for that.
"So, do you like Jungkook?" Yoongi asked
"Yes i do, he's like a brother to me" I smiled
"Oh so you're really into Taehyung and not Jungkook" Yoongi smirked, no dumbass i'm in love with you, Why is he so clueless about how i feel about him
"Um, who knows" I giggled
"I'll support you with whoever you choose, except your asshole ex boyfriend" Yoongi put his arm around me as he said those words, man i wish you loved me the way you love Via
"Thanks man" I replied, we spent the rest of the night chitchatting until we both got sleepy and I went home. We always had the same routines for awhile, we went to school and I always spent time with Taehyung and Jungkook after class, we either went to the movies, played sports or simply had dinner. I always spent nights with Yoongi having deep conversations and about his love for Via. He always talked about her non stop, how he admired her so much and how much he wanted to be with her. I always wonder how it felt to be loved the way Yoongi loves Via, it must feel good. So yeah, that's basically the summary of the past few weeks.

"Quinnie, so prom is in about a month, what's your plan?" Via asked
"I don't know yet, i don't even know if i'll go" I replied
"I think you should, it would be fun" Yoongi added
"Yeah you should go" Jungkook replied
"Don't be a killer joy Q" Jin laughed
"I'll be your date if you want to" Taehyung replied as Yoongi chuckled
"Okay if you guys insist that I go then fine i'll go, and i accept your offer Taehyung Kim, no more backing out" I joked
"Okay, i'll be your date then" Taehyung smiled
"Oh you were serious, okay then" I replied as we continued to eat our snacks.
"Will you be my prom date my sweet Via?" Jin blushed
"That's too obvious Jin of course you'll be my date who else will it be?" Via raised a brow
"You look so cute when you're mad" Jin replied giving Via a kiss on her cheek. They look so cute being all sweet but I noticed how Yoongi's mood changed, I guess he wanted to be Via's prom date.

I love you so - min yoongi /jeon jungkook/ cha eunwoo fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now