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"Yoongi- hey!" Kate walked towards Yoongi
"Not now Kate" Yoongi sighed
"What's wrong? you can tell me anything, did you and Quinn fight?" Kate asked caressing Yoongi's shoulder
"I just hate the fact that she gets too close to Jungkook sometimes, why is she so clueless that Jungkook actually likes her it bothers me" Yoongi replied
"Oh wait, you mean you saw them the other night? when Jungkook tried to kiss Quinn" Kate replied
"What did you say?" Yoongi asked
"Oh-i'm sorry i thought you knew, i'll go now" Kate replied as she walked away. Yoongi followed and stopped her by grabbing her wrist
"They almost kissed?" Yoongi asked
"Well, their lips touched but i don't know what happened next, maybe it was a mistake" Kate replied
"I can't believe that happened and Quinn didn't say a word about it" Yoongi fell to his knees
"I'm really sorry, i thought you knew about it. Maybe Quinn thinks its no big deal, i mean it was probably a mistake" Kate replied
"If it was a mistake she would have told me, I can't believe she kept it a secret" Yoongi replied as tears fell from his eyes
"I'm really sorry you have to go through this" Kate replied wiping Yoongi's tears with her fingers
"I love her so bad" Yoongi uttered
"Look at me Yoongi, you deserve someone better who will love you and take care of you" Kate replied pulling Yoongi for a kiss.
"What are you doing!" Yoongi pulled away from the kiss
"Look i'm sorry, i got carried away. You know what, i'll just go" Kate replied as she walked away and tripped
"Kate" Yoongi ran towards Kate and helped her get up
"Ouch, it hurts" Kate uttered massaging her leg
"I'll take you the hospital" Yoongi replied
"No, it's fine, i'm okay" Kate replied trying to get back on her feet
"I'll take you home then, just to make sure you're safe since it's getting late" Yoongi replied as they took a cab to Kate's house.
"Thanks for bringing me home Yoongi" Kate uttered as he kissed Yoongi's cheek
"No problem, you take care-" Kate pulled Yoongi for a kiss before he could finish his sentence. That was the time of their sinful night.

The next morning...
"What happened between us last night was a mistake, We should never talk about this ever again, do you understand Kate?" Yoongi uttered as he got dressed
"But Yoongi, we both know you liked it too, we were full of love last night" Kate replied
"Quinn is the only girl I love and if you ever speak about this you'll regret it so just keep your mouth shut" Yoongi replied as he left Kate's house.

"How's the flavor of that?" Quinn asked
"Hmm, it's too sweet, maybe lessen the sugar" Jungkook replied
"You're right, i hope he likes these" Quinn replied
"Why did you guys even fight again?" Jungkook asked
"He acted all weird because we hang out and stuff and he brought some old stuff back" Quinn replied
"Do you think he saw us a few nights ago when we almost kissed?" Jungkook uttered
"We didn't though, our noses just touched because you're such a clumsy boy" Quinn chuckled
"You were a bit clumsy though so I tripped" Jungkook teased
"Whatever man, you're a dummy" Quinn laughed
After the cookies were baked, Jungkook left and Quinn got ready to see Yoongi.

You can do this Quinn, you can fix this. I walked towards Yoongi's apartment and knocked on his door hoping that he's already home. I sat on his doorstep for a few hours and fell asleep.
"Quinn" Yoongi uttered
"Yoongi, you're home! i was so worried about you, i'm really sorry for our misunderstanding yesterday, look if you're talking about that incident a few nights ago when Jungkook tripped, we didn't even kiss or anything though our noses touched. I didn't tell you because I didn't think a nose boop is a big deal. I'm really sorry" I replied as I pulled him for a hug
"Wait so you mean you didn't kiss?" Yoongi pulled away from the hug
"Yeah, we didn't, wait what happened to your neck? why do you have a few band aids? are you alright?" I asked
"I just have a few alergies, i went to the medical center last night and stayed there. I'm sorry for how I acted Quinn" Yoongi replied
"It's alright, I just hate it when we fight so can we not do that again, and i baked you some cookies too" I smiled handing him the box
"Thank you baby" Yoongi replied as he kissed my forehead
"You must be tired, you should get some rest" I replied as we went inside his apartment.
"Quinn, i'm really sorry" Yoongi replied as he pulled me for a hug
"Hey, it's alright. I understand you, you just get jealous sometimes, it's okay i love you" I replied
"I love you too" Yoongi replied, he seemed so tired so I tucked him in his bed
"I'll go now, get some rest" I replied
"No, can you stay? please?" Yoongi pouted
"Are you sure?" I asked
"Yes, come here" Yoongi replied as I walked towards his bed
"You want cuddles?" I smiled
"Yes please" Yoongi replied as he put his arms around me until he fell asleep. I just looked at him, he looked so peaceful but i got really worried about his neck, I wonder what allergies he has that he had to put band aids on his neck. I caressed his hair gently and kissed his forehead as I carefully got up and left making sure that I don't wake him up.

I love you so - min yoongi /jeon jungkook/ cha eunwoo fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now