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"Lily, you promised that we'll go to the amusement park today" Eunwoo uttered
"Babe i change my mind, it's just too boring in there how about we just go to the mall and go shopping. I need to get new clothes anyways" Lily replied
"Babe we just went shopping yesterday, you didn't even watch me drag race the other day, so we should probably spend time today" Eunwoo replied
"Oh i know! there's this new cafe and i think we should just go there for our date, it would be fun" Lily replied
"Okay then, as long i'll spend time with you" Eunwoo smiled as they went to the cafe

"Crap why is that brat here?" Quinn whispered to Yoongi
"Oh she's with your nasty ex" Yoongi chuckled
"Hey, give me your best sellers and no sugar" Lily uttered
"Our best sellers contain the most sugar you know" Quinn replied
"I don't care, find a way loser. My boyfriend and I will be seating over there make it quick will you" Lily rolled her eyes
"Sure thing ma'am" Quinn replied
"Relax Q, if you want i'll bring them their food so you won't have to" Yoongi replied
"No it's alright I can manage" Quinn smiled as she served their food
"I didn't know you work here Quinn" Eunwoo uttered
"Well now you know" Quinn replied as she walked away
"Quinn is such a bitch" Lily laughed
"That's enough babe, she's not doing anything wrong" Eunwoo replied
"Whatever, look at them, Quinn is such a flirt trying to seduce Yoongi" Lily uttered looking at Yoongi and Quinn giggle as Yoongi wipe sweat from her face
"Are they dating?" Eunwoo asked
"I don't think so, Yoongi probably likes someone else and not that slut" Lily rolled her eyes
Eunwoo and Lily finished eating and Eunwoo drove Lily home as he went home as well.

"I'm so glad they finally left i can't stand Lily" Quinn uttered
"You look funny when you're annoyed" Yoongi laughed
"What! no i don't" Quinn chuckled
"Your looked so angry earlier, your brows were like this" Yoongi replied frowning and imitating Quinn
"Shut up you look cute" Quinn replied as her eyes got bigger
"What?" Yoongi smirked
"Nothing, i didn't say anything anyways i gotta go bye" Quinn replied
"I thought you wanted to work longer today" Yoongi replied
"I change my mind see you tomorrow bye!" Quinn replied as she ran


Damn why did i call him that? what if he finds out i like him, i can't let that happen hell no
*phone rings* what the fuck who's this, I answered the phone
"Hello, who is this?" I asked
"Didn't you save my number?" Wait is this Eunwoo what the fuck
"No, i probably didn't or i deleted it" I replied
"Okay then, it's me Eunwoo and i'm outside your apartment" what the hell is he alright?
"So what do you want me to do about that?" I replied
"Can we talk in person?" Eunwoo asked
"Okay fine" I replied and opened the door as he entered
"What do you want man?" I asked
"I miss you" Eunwoo replied and pulled me for a hug
"What's wrong with you?" I replied pushing him away
"Quinn i miss you, i miss spending time with you and i miss your kisses i miss everything about you" What the fuck is his deal
"Dude, are you crazy? Are you trying to prank me? just go home and eat some chips i don't know" I replied
"I regret leaving you for Lily, I think she doesn't love me anymore" Eunwoo replied
"There is no way i'm gonna let you use me as a rebound again and why would you even think of that?" I replied
"She always stalks Taehyung and whines about how he doesn't follow her back, I think she likes Taehyung now" Eunwoo replied
"Oh, wait a minute she better not hit on him i'll literally throw hands tell your girl to leave Taehyung alone now get out" I replied pushing Eunwoo towards the door and closing it.
The next morning I walked with Yoongi to work and I told him about the incident last night.
"Maybe he wants you back?" Yoongi uttered
"No way, he's probably planning somethinga against me" I replied as we went to the counter and started working
"I'd like some black americano please" Why is he here again
"Coming right up sir" I smiled as I gave Eunwoo his drink, He sat near the counter and stayed for awhile
"Uh oh, looks like he's starting" Yoongi chuckled
"Shut up man" I replied playfully punching his arm
"Ouch" Yoongi pouted
"Stop acting like a baby" I giggled
"But i am a baby" Yoongi winked as we both giggled
"Whatever man" I replied looking at his pretty gummy smile, makes me heart melt
"Excuse me, i think you guys should just work and serve your customers instead of flirting" Eunwoo rolled his eyes
"Look, Yoongi and I are not flirting, we're just friends and can you just mind your business" I replied
"That's not what your actions say" Eunwoo replied
"Quit it Eunwoo, you don't have any right to comment about my friendship with Quinn because you know nothing just sit down and mind your own business" Yoongi cut in as Eunwoo just walked out of the cafe
"You alright?" Yoongi asked
"Yeah i'm alright" I replied as we continued to work

I spent more time working and hanging out with Yoongi all summer, but it wasn't a peaceful one. Eunwoo would sometimes go to my apartment and try to "win" me back when he's currently dating Lily. Luckily, Yoongi always had my back. Yoongi and Via actually stayed in touch, they would sometimes facetime and Jin was pretty cool with it, he really trusted Via and Yoongi that they wouldn't do anything to upset him.

"Hey neighbor" Geo was suddenly sitting on my bed
"Neighbor? and how the fuck did you get in?" I exclaimed
"Your door was unlocked so i let myself in, i know Eunwoo has been trying to win you back, this is my chance to get Lily" Geo smirked
"Lily wouldn't want you so keep dreaming, and i'm not gonna get back together with Eunwoo" I replied
"Come on pal! do it for your homie" Geo pouted
"Nah get the fuck out of my apartment or i'll beat you up" I replied pushing him
"Okay fine! see you in class tomorrow pal" Geo smirked as he left

The next day..
"Kate? oh my gosh hey! long time no see" I was so shocked to see Kate
"I decided to move here for senior year! i didn't know you go here too" Kate replied
"Wait do we go to the same class? can i see your schedule?" I asked
"Sure, here you go" And yes we had the same schedule, i was so excited and we walked to the classroom. Yoongi was sitting at the back and was just on his phone, I didn't bother talking to him coz he seemed busy and I wanted to catch up with Kate.
"Q! we go to the same class again!" Jungkook excitingly said
"JK! i missed you" I replied pulling him for a hug
I introduced Kate and Jungkook to each other and our conversations went pretty well. We went on with our class and I invited Kate to join us for lunch break. Kate and the lads got along pretty well and i was so happy.
"Wait i can't believe Geo goes here too" Kate uttered
"Yeah he's so annoying" I rolled my eyes
"Wait so you know Geo too?" Yoongi asked
"Yes, Quinn and Geo used to be friends but she told him how he felt and Geo just started treating her like shit" Why must Kate say that
"So he's really an asshole then" Yoong replied
"Yeah let's not talk about him" I smiled

After lunch, we went to our class and the professor made us do an activity right away, I was grouped with Geo and he would non stop annoy me. He's been begging me to help him with Lily for a long time and it's so annoying.
"Can you stop bugging her" Jungkook threw a crumpled paper at Geo
"Stay out of it man" Geo replied throwing the paper back
"Don't try to cross me or you'll regret it" Jungkook got up and walked towards us
"Relax JK, i can handle this dude, i'm alright" I replied
"Just tell me if you need help getting rid of this pathetic loser" Jungkook replied walking away

After class, Kate and I decided to eat out and spend time together
"Are you sure Jungkook isn't your boyfriend? what about Taehyung?" Kate asked
"Jungkook and I are just friends and Taehyung, he's kinda courting me i don't know but we're friends though" I replied
"Oh well how about Yoongi?" Kate smiled
"Yoongi and I are just friends and we're actually neighbors" I replied
"Is he single?" I don't like where this is going
"Yes he is why?" I replied
"Well, i like him. I always see him around town and he makes me feel things i really like him can you help me please" Kate pouted and held my hand
"What? i don't know how to help you with that" I replied
"Help me get closer to him, tell me his likes and dislikes tell me his hobbies, i want to spend time with him. Quinnie please help me" I knew I had to help her, Kate has always been a great friend to me back then and i know this will just break me but i gotta do it for my friend.
"I'll try to help you" I smiled

I love you so - min yoongi /jeon jungkook/ cha eunwoo fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now