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After class, Jungkook and Quinn went to the mall to eat some icecream.
"Thanks for this Koo" Quinn smiled
"Anytime, we can go out on the weekend and hang out" Jungkook replied
"Hmm, that would be great count me in" Quinn smiled
"Mind if we join you?" Yoongi asked
"Yeah sure go ahead sit down" Quinn replied
"I'll go buy some food" Yoongi replied
"So how are you Kate?" Quinn asked
"I'm feeling better, Yoongi took care of me and i was doing alright, so he invited me to eat some icecream" Kate replied
"Wow, that's so sweet of him" Quinn smiled
"Are you and Yoongi dating?" Jungkook asked
"Koo, what the fuck you can't just ask that, but are you?" Quinn cut in
"Well, i believe we have this special connection, we always facetime and he takes care of me so maybe he likes me too" Kate blushed
"I'm happy for you" Quinn smiled
"Here i got us more food so we can enjoy more" Yoongi uttered putting the food on their table
"Have some of this topping Q, it's tasty" Jungkook uttered
"Thanks" Quinn smiled
After eating, they went their separate ways home.

"Jungkook, do you like Quinn?" Kate asked
"What?" Jungkook asked
"We're alone, you can tell me if you like her" Kate replied
"We're just friends" Jungkook smiled
"Awe, well i think you two would make a great couple, if you'd like we can have a double date" Kate replied
"Is that alright with Yoongi?" Jungkook asked
"I'm sure he'll be fine with it, double dates are fun anyways" Kate winked
"When?" Jungkook asked
"Yoongi and I are planning to have a picnic on the weekend, you can join us" Kate replied
"I'll tell Quinn" Jungkook smiled
"So you do like Quinn?" Kate smirked
"We can go there as friends" Jungkook smiled
"Okay whatever you say" Kate smiled

"Are you and Jungkook dating?" Yoongi asked
"What? no, we're just friends, he's like a brother to me" Quinn smiled
"Oh, i thought you guys were finally dating" Yoongi chuckled
"Well i could be asking you the same thing about Kate" Quinn replied
"What do you think?" Yoongi asked
"I don't know, it really seems like you guys are dating. Either way, i'd support you no matter what" Quinn replied
"Thanks Q, you're a really great friend" Yoongi replied putting his arm around Quinn's shoulder as they walked home.

"Lily, who are you texting?" Eunwoo asked
"No one, just relax babe, i need to go" Lily uttered kissing Eunwoo
"Babe, don't you want to stay here?" Eunwoo asked
"I'd love to, but i have some things to do, I love you bye babe" Lily uttered as she left


Man, i think Yoongi likes Kate, I guess he's never gonna like me back. I mean that's life i guess.

The next morning, I went to school early and as usual, i got another note, i'm really shocked that who ever this guy is really good with sneaking his notes. His notes writes "I hope you like the chocolates i got you" And yes he was able to sneak in some chocolates in my locker. I don't know if i should eat it but yeah i will. I took the box of chocolates and brought it to the classroom.
"Those for me?" Jungkook joked
"Yeah sure, you can actually have some" I smiled offering the chocolates
"Thanks Q" Jungkook smiled grabbing some

The classes went on and at lunch break I ate with Jungkook while Yoongi and Kate had lunch together. I can totally see that Yoongi really enjoys her company.
"You okay?" Jungkook asked
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked
"Your eyes never lie, i can tell you're hurt. We can move to a different table so you won't have to see them" Jungkook smiled
"No it's alright i can manage but thanks" I smiled back
During lunch, I couldn't help but look at them, i've never seen him smile like that before, he looked so happy to be with her. I wonder if he moved on from Via and somehow learned to love Kate as time went by. After Lunch, we went to our classes and I couldn't stop thinking about Yoongi, he even sat with Kate and they always giggled and talked in between periods.
"Yoongi, wanna walk home together?" I asked
"Oh, i can't, Kate and I are gonna go to this newly opened restaurant" Yoongi replied
"Oh i see, enjoy" I smiled
"You can join us if you want" Yoongi replied
"I'm alright, maybe next time" I replied as we parted ways. I walked alone on my way home, i'm really happy that there is someone making Yoongi happy. I'll probably just love him from afar as usual. As soon as i got home, i cooked myself some dinner and ate alone on the balcony and stayed there for awhile looking at the stars and playing some music. Taehyung tried to facetime but I wasn't really in the mood so I didn't answer. After awhile Yoongi arrived and he was with Kate, looks like she's staying with him tonight, i think i'm starting to lose Yoongi even as a friend and there's nothing I can do but watch him fade away. Sooner or later he's not gonna spend time with me anymore, I'll just have to accept that.

The next day, I went to school early as usual, i ate my breakfast out and went up to the lockers. I received another note that says "Cheer up Q, i hope you feel better soon. Whatever it is that you're going through i know you'll be alright. I love you"
Who ever this person is, i'm actually very thankful, he makes me feel good about myself.
"You look very happy" Eunwoo uttered
"What the fuck you startled me what do you want?" I replied pushing him
"Can we talk? in private" He replied
"Yeah right whatever but make it quick" I replied as he pulled my wrist and we went to the rooftop
"Okay so now we're alone what do you want?" I asked
"I think Lily is cheating on me" Eunwoo uttered
"Okay? so what do you want me to do about it?" I raised a brow
"Pretend to be my girlfriend" This dude has lost it what the heck
"What the fuck is your deal? there is no fucking way i'm gonna do that" I exclaimed
"Quinn, it's just pretend, just to make her jealous and she'll come back to me" Eunwoo got down on his knees
"No fucking way! i'm out" I replied walking away, is he out of his mind? there is no fucking way i'll help him. I went straight to the classroom and acted normal that way they wouldn't think something is actually up.
"Hey you're not so early today" Via uttered
"Oh yeah, i did some stuff earlier" I chuckled
"Did you receive another note?" Via asked
"I did, it was short and simple but i like it" I smiled
"Did he tell you who he is?" Via asked
"Unfortunately, not yet" I replied
"That boy is not man enough, what a coward" Jin laughed
"Stop it Jin, don't discourage it" Via elbowed Jin's tummy
"Okay, i'm sorry" Jin pouted
"I know where this is going so i'll go to my seat now" I replied
"Thanks Q" Jin winked, i knew it, he wanted a kiss from Via so I went to my seat to give them more space and privacy.

I went out and sat on the bench, we didn't have class since there was a faculty meeting.
"Quinnie i'm so happy" Kate uttered pulling me for a hug
"Hey! what's up?" I asked
"Well, I talked with Yoongi earlier and i asked him if i could stay at his place for awhile since i'm having problems at home and he said yes, isn't he so sweet?" Kate replied
"Wow! that's really nice of him" I smiled
"Wait, i gotta go, he just texted me he's downstairs ciao Quinnie" Kate replied as she left. She could have asked me though, i would have loved to have a room mate for awhile but i guess she really is that in love with Yoongi.
"Hey, are you okay?" Jungkook asked sitting beside me
"Yes i am, do i look like i'm not?" I joked
"You look sad, do you want me to dance for you?" Jungkook chuckled
"I'd like to see you try" I teased as he started dancing, he really is actually good and he did his best to cheer me up and it worked.
"That's the spirit Q, cheer up" Jungkook chuckled
"Thanks Koo, i don't know how to repay you but here's a deal, i'll do you one favor" I smiled
"Any favor?" Jungkook asked
"Yeah as long as it's legal" I joked
"I do have something in mind" Jungkook smirked as he sat beside me and leaned closer, i don't really like where this is going
"We're at school right now so what could that be?" I replied nervously
"No one is around" Jungkook smirked leaning closer and closer
"You're really a playboy huh" I chuckled
"No i'm not" Jungkook whispered
"Hey! what are you guys doing?" Yoongi cut in
"Nothing, we're just doing a staring contest" Jungkook replied giggling
"Well the professor is on her way so we should go inside" Yoongi replied
"You still owe me something Q" Jungkook winked as we entered the room
"Woah what was that Q? you guys were about to kiss" Kate asked
"No we weren't he's just playing don't mind it" I replied as i went to my seat. We continued with our classes, I gotta say, i was just thinking about Yoongi the whole day, i feared that he'd confess his feelings for Kate and my heart would break again. Kate surely is a lucky girl, After class, Yoongi and I walked together on our way home, Kate went home and took her things first.
"Why so serious?" Yoongi pouted, Damn he's so cute
"Oh, no reason, it's just my normal face" I replied
"I like your smiling face better" Yoongi smiled
"I guess everyone likes that face better" I laughed
"See? you look better when you're happy" Yoongi replied as he tucked my hair behind my ear
"Can i ask you something?" I uttered
"Go ahead ask away Q" Yoongi replied
"Do you like-like Kate?" I asked
"Why are you asking?" Yoongi replied
"Oh no reason" I replied
"We should talk about you and Jungkook instead" Yoongi chuckled
"There's nothing much to talk about" I replied
"You and Jungkook almost kissed, that means something, I thought you liked Taehyung" Yoongi replied
"Come on now, JK is probably just playing, he can be crazy sometimes and Taehyung, well i haven't heard from him in awhile" I replied
"Didn't Taehyung try to contact you?" Yoongi asked
"He did but i was busy at that time" I replied
"What if Jungkook is actually serious? what would you do?" Yoongi asked
"I don't know, does he like me for real?" I laughed
"I think you should ask him" Yoongi smiled as he went to his apartment.
What does he mean? It can't be, it is impossible that Jungkook likes me romantically.

I love you so - min yoongi /jeon jungkook/ cha eunwoo fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now