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More days passed and Quinn managed to avoid Yoongi, She would often hang out with Jungkook while Yoongi spent more time with Kate. Quinn still continued to receive notes and she kept them all.

"How are things with you and Jin?" Quinn smiled
"We've been well, we also talked about our plans for college, we're gonna apply for the same college isn't that great?" Via replied
"You guys are so cute, i'm really happy for you. You guys always support each other I wish to have that kind of relationship with someone soon" Quinn blushed
"I know you will, who knows maybe you'll get that with Mr. Note guy" Via chuckled
"That man is weird, I badly wanna know who he is but he still won't reveal himself" Quinn replied
"Give it more time Q" Via replied patting Quinn's back
"Or maybe you'll get the relationship you want with Jungkook" Kate giggled
"Jungkook and I are just friends" Quinn replied
"Well, you guys have been spending so much time together, I think you guys should just date" Kate uttered
"Enough about me, What about you and Yoongi? are you guys dating already?" Quinn asked
"Well, not yet but I think he's gonna ask me out real soon" Kate smiled

"I wonder if these books would help me study for the college Via and I are gonna apply to" Jin uttered showing the books to Yoongi, Jungkook, and Namjoon
"Those our pretty good, I can help you and Via study" Namjoon replied
"Thanks Joon, how about you and Ashley? what are your plans?" Jin asked
"We're going to different universities it's gonna be a long distance relationship" Namjoon replied
"Oh I see, good luck on that" Jin replied
"Aren't you worried that the long distance relationship would not work?" Jungkook asked
"We trust each other and we'll keep in touch for sure" Namjoon smiled
"How about you? what are your plans Yoongi?" Namjoon asked
"I don't really have plans yet, i'm just going with the flow" Yoongi chuckled
"Aren't you and Kate gonna go to the same college?" Jungkook asked
"I don't know yet" Yoongi replied
"And you, Jungkook? any plans with Quinn? you guys have been spending so much time together, are you guys going out?" Namjoon asked
"I haven't told her how I feel yet, i'm planning to confess tomorrow after class" Jungkook replied
"That would be a great idea, You need to tell Quinn how you really feel and maybe she feels the same" Namjoon replied
"Have you guys been you know? getting really close" Jin smirked
"Hey, we just kiss sometimes but we both agreed to not catch feelings" Jungkook replied
"It's impossible that Quinn didn't catch any feelings for you after spending that much time with you" Namjoon replied
"I don't know, i hope she feels the same, I love her a lot and I finally got the courage to tell her" Jungkook took a deep breath
"Relax Jungkook, I have a strong feeling Quinn feels the same way" Namjoon replied patting Jungkook's back
"But remember, whatever her decision would be you need to respect that if ever she says no" Jin added
"Yes of course I will, i'll always support her no matter what" Jungkook replied.


I had a great time hanging out with the girls but I feel so exhausted. I was on my way home and Dylan suddenly appeared out of no where
"Man you startled me, you need to stop doing that or i'll have a heart attack and die" I uttered
"I'm sorry, i noticed you're not with Jungkook right now" Dylan replied
"Yeah, I spent time with the girls earlier and I don't know what he's been up to" I replied
"Is it alright if we spend time together?" Dylan blushed
"Oh, i-i'm actually really tired, maybe next time" I smiled
"Maybe I can drive you home?" Dylan asked
"I prefer walking but thanks for the offer" I replied as I continued to walk
"Then i'll walk you home, it's dangerous out there, it's late" Dylan replied
"You don't have to, i'll be fine" I chuckled and he still insisted on walking me home, This guy is driving me nuts, what is his deal? could he be that dude giving me notes, I don't think it's the right time to ask.
"You're really quiet, are you alright?" Dylan asked
"I'm alright, i'm just curious, why are you suddenly being nice to me, we're not even close or anything" I replied
"I think you're really cool and i want to be friends with you if that's okay with you" Dylan blushed
"That's alright, we can be friends" I smiled patting his shoulder. The time we arrived at my apartment he was just standing there
"You okay?" I asked
"I was just wondering if i could get a hug" Dylan smiled as he opened his arms
"Yeah, sure" I replied as I went closer and we hugged, it was probably the most awkward hug I've ever experienced and it was weird coz he was wearing the same perfume as Yoongi.
"Thanks, i'll see you tomorrow Q" Dylan smiled as he walked away, He's freaking me out.
"What was that?" Yoongi chuckled
"Dude, why the hell are you guys just randomly showing up i could get a heart attack and die"  I uttered
"Relax i'm sorry, I'm just surprised that you're hanging out with that weird guy" Yoongi replied
"Come on don't be rude, he's not that bad" I replied
"He always follows you around, what part of that isn't weird?" Yoongi raised a brow
"He what?" I asked in shock
"He always follows you around in school and when you walk home with Jungkook, I would see, we're neighbors and I always see him here whenever you arrive" I was just shocked when Yoongi said those words
"Damn, what are you an investigator or something?" I chuckled
"Whatever Quinn" Yoongi replied as he went to his apartment.

I went inside, washed up and went to the balcony, I was just weirded out about what Yoongi said. I glanced at Yoongi's apartment and Kate was there again, I wonder if they're just living together now, I always see her there. I couldn't take it much longer so I went inside and went to sleep.

The next morning, I got up early and prepared for school. I went straight to my locker and found another note which surprised me. The note wrote "I finally have the courage to tell you I am, Please meet me at the rooftop after class. Let's keep this a secret" I got pretty excited coz I badly wanted to know who has been giving me notes for a long time. I went to classroom with a smile on my face.
"You look like you're in a good mood" Jungkook smiled
"Yeah, i actually am, it's a great day" I replied
"I'm happy to see you happy Q" Jungkook replied as we sat down and talked about our plans for college, Honestly i'm still clueless about life and so was he, We were on the same page and we both just laughed about it.
"You guys, is my new haircut alright?" Jimin asked
"Come on, you look great with that undercut" I replied
"Thanks, I was worried that i look bad with it" Jimin pouted
"I'm sure you can pull anything off" I smiled
"Can I pull you off though?" Jimin smirked
"Shut up you're making me blush" I replied slapping his arm. We went on with our classes and I couldn't wait for it to end, I wanted to meet that guy who has been giving me notes all this time.
"Are you okay?" Yoongi asked
"Yeah, do i look like i'm not?" I chuckled
"You kept on tapping your shoes as if you're in a hurry or something" Yoongi replied
"Oh that, it's nothing don't mind me" I smiled
"Okay well if you say so" Yoongi replied

During lunch, I could only think about meeting that guy, I was pretty quiet which Via noticed.
"Hey? is something bothering you?" Via asked
"No, nothing is, don't worry about me" I smiled
"You're really quiet we're not used to it" Kate added
"Yeah just tell us, what's on your mind?" Jungkook asked
"I swear, i'm alright, nothing is bothering me okay?" I replied holding Jungkook's hand
"Are you guys dating?" Kate smirked
"Me and Jungkook? no, we're just friends, right Koo?" I replied looking at Jungkook
"Yeah, we're just friends who kiss sometimes" Jungkook teased
"You don't have to tell them that" I laughed pinching Jungkook's arm
"They probably saw us several times anyways" Jungkook giggled
"You guys look so cute" Kate uttered
"You heard her, why don't we just date already Quinnie" Jungkook let out his cocky smile as he put his arm around my shoulder
"Shut up man, don't give me hopes or i'll cry" I teased
"Don't cry baby, i got you" Jungkook pouted kissing me on the cheek
"Don't call me that, you're the baby, aren't you" I pouted pinching his cheeks
"I'm your baby" Jungkook smirked
"Whatever baby man" I laughed
"Still your baby though" Jungkook winked
"Quit that now, let's go back to the room you two" Via chuckled as we all got up and walked to the classroom.
We went on with our classes and I couldn't wait any longer, I was getting more and more excited to meet the guy and finally know who he really is.

After class, I rushed to get out of the room, I made sure that no one would notice that I'll meet up with someone. I rushed to the rooftop and no one was there, I walked towards the table in the middle of the rooftop and saw another note that says "Close your eyes, and open them when I tell you" This dude is on to something but I went with it anyways. I closed my eyes and waited for someone to speak
"Hello? is anyone there? I'm here and my eyes are closed, reveal yourself" I uttered as I heard footsteps walking towards me.
"I'm glad you came Quinn" A familiar voice uttered as I opened my eyes

I love you so - min yoongi /jeon jungkook/ cha eunwoo fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now