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A few days passed, Via gave Quinn her notes from classes that she missed. She also offered to help Quinn study but she declined knowing that Via was very busy with a lot of things considering that she is in line for class valedictorian.

On Quinn's way home, she bumped into Jimin
"What's up Q? long time no see" Jimin greeted
"Hey! just asked for Via's notes, I have to study non stop since finals are coming real soon" Quinn replied
"Do you want me to help you?" Jimin politely asked
"No, it's alright. I really appreciate your offer though" Quinn smiled
"Then let me help you study, it will help me too you know" Jimin giggled
"Alright then, we shall study at my apartment" Quinn replied as she grabbed Jimin's hand and went to her apartment. Jimin helped Quinn study all the lessons she missed and really taught her well, they were able to spend some quality time together.
"Thanks Jimin! it really means a lot, who knows i might beat your ass in class" Quinn teased
"You'll never beat me Quinn Davids" Jimin laughed
"Want a bet Park?" Quinn smirked
"Alright, so what will happen if you win?" Jimin grinned
"If I beat you, you have to be my slave for a week" Quinn replied
"Okay, but if i win, you owe me a date and a kiss on the lips, and i'm not talking about a peck. I want an actual kiss" Jimin leaned closer
"That's it? you got yourself a deal, watch me win" Quinn chuckled
"You're making a really huge mistake Quinn, get your lips ready. Anyways i have to go Quinnie, see you tomorrow" Jimin teased as he left

Meanwhile at the bar..
"I have so many regrets Jin" Yoongi uttered
"Drinking alcohol won't solve your problems" Jin replied
"I just wish I could turn back time to change everything, I'd treat Quinn better and maybe she wouldn't have left me. I love her so bad" Yoongi sighed
"If you love her, you would never do anything to hurt her and you did" Jin crossed his arms
"I messed up so bad, I can't lose her, I don't want to let her go. I just want her to be back in my arms again before it's too late" Yoongi replied getting teary eyed
"I'm not sure if i can 100% support you because you really hurt her feelings. She loved you so much and you just threw that away for Kate" Jin replied
"Kate told me that she'd hurt herself if I don't give her what she wants. I was just worried about her and I never thought it would go this far" Yoongi replied
"You were worried about Kate, but what about Quinn? weren't you worried about her and her feelings? you know she's got her heart broken so many times and her first boyfriend pressured her then just used her and cheated on her. She's been through a lot and you were supposed to keep her safe but you didn't, I am so disappointed in you" Jin replied as he walked out, Yoongi started crying as he drank too much alcohol. He went home drunk and Quinn saw his struggle, she decided to take him to her apartment instead to take care of him. She was mad at him but deep down, she knew she still cared about him.

The next morning, Yoongi woke up and realized he wasn't at his apartment but Quinn's.
"Hey you're awake, so how are you feeling?" Quinn asked
"My head hurts a little bit, what happened?" Yoongi caressed his head
"Well, you got drunk last night for some reason and i felt bad for you so I took care of you" Quinn replied
"Are you still mad at me?" Yoongi asked
"Yes but that doesn't mean I don't care about you, you're my neighbor so this is just me doing a good act for my neighbor and nothing else. Don't give other meanings to my good acts got it?" Quinn replied
"Quinn, can we talk about us?" Yoongi held her hand
"The answer to your question is no, so just drop it okay? i don't want to talk about it ever do you understand?" Quinn rolled her eyes
"I know you still love me Quinn, I see it in your eyes" Yoongi caressed her face
"Just stop it, if i do still love you, it still won't change the fact that you cheated on me and we're over so why does it matter?" Quinn stopped Yoongi from caressing her face
"Quinn I love you, please be with me again" Yoongi held her hand
"I don't care, just leave okay? you seem alright now so leave me alone" Quinn replied as Yoongi got up and pulled her for a hug
"Forget it man, just go home" Quinn pulled away from the hug as Yoongi left.

I love you so - min yoongi /jeon jungkook/ cha eunwoo fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now