2: my fault

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I woke to the sound of water. I sighed internally figuring my apartment must have another leak. Well, that was until I felt the cold concrete biting at my skin, coupled with the smell of damp rot. My eyes shot open, scanning my surroundings. But much to my dismay, it was pitch black. I couldn't see a thing. My body starts trembling as my brain struggles to catch up.

"Uhm..Sir, can I help you?" I mumbled.

The memory shoots through me. Fear tingling my senses. That man from the coffee shop. The overwhelming feeling of dread consumes me, pulling me deep into it's depths. What does this man want? Is this where I will take my last breath? What did I do to cause this? I start retracing all my actions, regret now coupling the fear and dread.

This is my fault.

I walked home, alone, late at night. I walked down that alley. I froze, I didn't run. I made myself easy prey. Is that what I was to this man? Prey? Not a human being. The memory of the news slams into me. Will I be the fifth girl? Tears well up in my eyes. I know I may not mean much to anyone, but I was working to better myself. I wanted to help people. Is this my karma for my past? Do I deserve this?

So many thoughts swirl my brain.

I may not be able to see, but there must be something I can do. I start to feel around on the cold cement, putting my hands out in front of me trying to find the walls. But I feel nothing. Attempting to stand, my legs give out, and I hit the cement hard. Only then do I realize the metal cuff around my ankle.

I let the tears flow freely down my face. Putting my knees up, and wrapping my arms around them. There must be something I can do, but what? I can't see, I can't walk. Mid thought, I hear his voice. A voice that makes me freeze.

"Layla, my love. Don't be afraid"

I hear a click, and the room is flooded with light. I slowly raise my head, and there he sits. He was here the whole time, sitting with me in the darkness.

"W..what d..do you want?"

I barely manage to mumble out.

He looks at me, slowly making his way forward. He reaches out to touch me, as I quickly shrink away. I can see the anger flash across his features, before he replaces them with a mask of calm.

"My love, I want to take care of you. I brought you home so we could finally be together"

I look at him in shock. Finally be together? I met this man once! He must notice my confusion as he says

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