22: they're coming

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Ryder's POV:

Layla and I have been in the car for eighteen hours, only taking small breaks for food and the bathroom.

The paranoia from no sleep is starting to settle inside my brain.

I keep turning to Layla and glancing around the car because I swear I hear voices.

I pulled the car over at one point to check under the seats, the back, and the trunk because I swore someone else was inside the car.

I feel like if I don't rest soon, I will go off the deep end.


Layla's POV:

"Shut the fuck up!"

Ryder's screams fill the car, as I jump awake.

"Ryder! What's wrong?"

As I question him, his hands leave the steering wheel and the car goes flying to the side.

I jump across the seat, as the seatbelt cuts into my skin, grabbing the wheel.

"Stop! Stop it! Fuck!" he screams even louder.

"Ryder! It's okay Ryder. Please. Everything's okay."

I try to soothe him and focus on the road at the same time as the car swerves from side to side.

The sounds of angry drivers horns blast through my ears.

I quickly turn the steering wheel, sending us off to the side of the road.

"Ryder hit the brake! Stop the car!" I tell him with a panic laced tone.

We're going to get arrested.

This is beyond illegal.

His foot slams on the brake, as the car flies forward before roughly stopping.

My body slams harder against the seat belt and I can feel the cuts across my chest but that isn't my current concern.

I rip the keys from the ignition, quickly remove my seatbelt, then turn to him.

As I am about to reach for him, his eyes go wide, and he grabs onto me.

"It's bugged! Get out the car Layla!"

He opens his door, then drags me out the car with him.

My legs get scrapped as he drops me once we're outside the car.

My heart begins hammering so fast it feels like I could faint.

My lungs start constricting as I struggle to breathe and I pray for a miracle.

Please don't let him get taken away from me.

I need this man.

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