26: insanity

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Author's Note:
This chapter hasn't been edited yet. I wanted to get it out as soon as possible. So if you see any mistakes, they'll be fixed later. Also the chapter seems super fast paced but it's so show how quick and easy Ryder can get paranoid and his emotions change  <3


Ryder's POV:

Waking up in the middle of the night, I stretched my body out, as a stinging sensation spread through my torso.

Tossing the covers off, confusion seeped in as I stared at the deep wounds covering my body.

How did this happen?

Did I kill someone who put up a brutal fight?

Did I do this to myself?

It wouldn't be the first time I've done something like this, but I always remember doing it.

More questions swirl through my mind as I try and come up with a rational explanation, yet only blanks are coming up.

Sighing, I get out of bed, making my way into the bathroom, as I pause passing the mirror.

My eyes widen as I get a complete look at my body.

My torso and back are covered in deep scratches, my lip is busted, and there's a slight bruise around my throat.

The bruise being barely noticeable unless you look hard enough.

The confusion now swirls with anger as the thought of someone possibly having done this to me, successfully getting away with it, pisses me off.

I've never allowed anyone to harm me.

I don't let people get away with that.

People are beneath me, and the thought of someone's dirty hands injuring my body makes me want to puke as I scrub my skin with bleach to remove their germs.

Taking a deep breathe, I release it through my nostrils, before storming back into the room, shoving Layla awake.

Her messy, red hair wild, as she pop her head up, squinting at me in confusion.

"What the fuck happened before we went to sleep? Did I leave here?"

Her eyebrows scrunch together, as she looks at me clearly without a clue.

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