10: forgiveness

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*one month later*

The past month has been interesting to say the least. Ryder and I have grown closer, you could say.

He started coming into my room, and we would spend hours talking, instead of just leaving, or sitting mainly in silence. We had some deep talks, but mainly a bunch of random ones.

We talked about my past, what I wanted to do for a career, he said a few small things about his upbringing but not much, we talked about each other's favorite foods, movies, music, anything really.

I would read to him, with his head resting in my lap, as I played with his hair.

He took me on a walk last week.

Well, me and Honey.

We spent two hours walking through the woods, before sitting and eating lunch, then heading back. It was the best time I've had since I've been here. Ryder's trust in me seems to be growing.

There's still been fights though.

One thing that hasn't changed is his temper, and need for control.

The second week, it got pretty ugly.

He came home in a bad mood, and I guess I was the target for that.

He punched me twice, kicked me, threw me into the wall, then choked me until I passed out.

When I came to he was on his knees, cradling my body, begging me to wake up.

He looked devastated.

He apologized nonstop for days.

Bought me new books.

Let me take a long bubble bath.

And ordered my favorite food.

It did take awhile for my nose to heal, but it's okay now.

I forgave him for it.

I understand he has trouble controlling his temper, and I try to sympathize with him.

The biggest change to happen though, was yesterday, Ryder moved me into his bedroom.

I'm allowed to walk around freely for the most part when he is home and awake. When we sleep or he leaves, he chains my ankle to the bedpost.

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