24: tense

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After the situation with the police officer, Ryder and I have been driving for another hour.

He's been tense the entire time, with white knuckles gripping the steering wheel and a deep frown formed on his face.

I've attempted more than once to lighten the mood, but I get nothing more than an annoyed glance, or a huff of frustration.

Which is why I've give up, and resorted to leaning back in my seat silently.

There isn't much to do, obviously as the area we are currently driving through is empty land. At least if we were still driving through town I would have something to look at.

I've even tried falling asleep, but my body prefers me to stay awake and suffer so that is what I am doing.

I glance at the radio, wanting to turn it on, but fearing it will only anger him more, so I look away with a huff of my own.

Hearing this, Ryder glances at me, rolling his eyes which causes a small bubble of frustration to build within me.

He has no right to be rolling his eyes at me. I haven't done anything besides try to help.

But am I going to say that?


Of course not.

Closing my eyes, I just lie here, in the dreaded silence.



I open my eyes, turning to look at him.


"Here. Get a room." He says as he shoves cash into my hand.


Without responding, I open the door, slipping out, and I accidentally slam it.

My heart drops to my feet as I realize what I did. I nervously glance back at the car, watching as he glares angrily.

Oh no.

I quickly open the door again.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." I apologize, attempting to smooth over my mistake.

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