35: Heart Break

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Author's Note:

Hi. I just wanted to remind you guys before reading, this chapter is super sad. TW's for SH as well. <3


*3 weeks later*


Blinding white light burns my eyes, loud voices reduced to background noise floats through my ears, as I fade in and out of consciousness.

My fingernails are nubs, the skin cornering them raw and crusted with old blood from picking due to stress. My lips are dry and chapped; they likely have blood on them as well from the cracks in them.

A headache pounds at my temples, worsening each breath I take. Probably due to the dehydration. I've stopped drinking and eating. There's no point.

He left me here.

I was played.

I was abandoned, like trash.

Tears prick my eyes, stinging as they drip down my face.

"Layla, are you listening to me?"

The doctors voice comes into focus, causing me to blink rapidly, trying to clear my head. It's of no use.

"Layla, as we've told you before, if you don't start eating today, we are going to have to tube feed you. Do you want that?"

I don't bother answering him. Because I don't care what they do to me. I silently wish they would allow me to slowly waste away until my heart ceased to beat, organs shutting down, sending me into eternal darkness.

When he realizes he isn't getting a response, he sighs. They do that a lot lately whenever they see me.

"I'll be back tonight. I hope you decide to eat before then."

And then he's gone.

Leaving me to my thoughts.

The thoughts that torture me relentlessly.

I curl up in a ball, making myself as small as possible, as small as I feel on the inside.

I don't understand why he abandoned me here.

I was so hopeful three weeks ago when that note was stuck underneath my door.

I couldn't contain the joy I felt inside.

Happiness buzzed beneath my skin, my heart raced as if I ran a marathon.

I clung to that piece of paper for dear life, putting all my hopes into it.

But those hopes were worthless.

Was this all a game to him?

Why would he send a note to me if he didn't plan to actually get me?

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