21: disrespect ☆

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Ryder's POV:

Waking up the next morning, I turn to Layla and watch as she is still asleep. As I watch her eyelashes flutter against her beautiful pale skin, guilt starts gnawing at me, coupled with a tight pain inside my chest.

I cheated on her.

I'll never forgive myself.

I love this woman more than my own life, and what I did was disgusting. If she knew I slept with another woman, and then slept with her before I could even shower the other woman off of me, she would be ashamed of me. That isn't something that can be forgiven.

I disrespected her in the deepest way.

That woman could never compare to my Layla.

My beautiful pale skinned, red haired, emerald green eyed, Layla.

The most beautiful woman on this planet.

The woman whose whole heart is filled with love for me.

Love for the one who betrayed her trust.

I can only hope she will never find out and that the guilt will not eat me alive.

Sighing, I lean over, planting a gentle kiss on her forehead, before crawling out of bed.

6:35 am.

Enough time to take a shower before I wake her.

I make my way into the bathroom, stripping down, and turning the water on until it scalds my skin. I need to make myself clean and wash away my mistake.


Layla's POV:

I woke reaching my arms out for Ryder only to find an empty bed. Panic settled in my heart that he left me again until I heard the faint sound of water running.

He's here.
Calm down, Layla.

I tell myself as I take a deep steadying breath.

Tossing the blanket off me, I swing my legs off the bed, and hop down, making my way to the bathroom. I lightly knock on the door, only to receive no reply, causing me to worry.

I open the door peaking my head inside, seeing him with his head down, harshly scrubbing at his beautiful skin.

I quietly walk inside, strip my clothing off, then open the shower door, entering and wrapping my arms around him from behind.

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