29: shattered reality

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Author's Note:
Not edited. Excuse any mistakes.


The moon light shone against the buildings, casting us in shadows as we crept through the streets, no real goal in mind, just attempting to lure the anonymous stalker out. We've been walking for at least an hour, with no signs of said person. Our frustrations are rising, the tension in the night air is thick.

The paranoid thoughts of what this person may know, who they may be, is steadily present in the back of our minds, eating away at our brains, leaving us stressed, irrational, messes. The fact that I have absolutely zero faith in this so called plan isn't helping my mental state either. The only choice I have though is to follow along silently, which is what I am doing.

All though my mouth may be silent, my mind however is not. My mind has went through every possible scenario, none of them having a positive ending. I've considered that this may be a person from Ryder's past, someone he had caused harm to, but that seems unlikely, as Ryder has no clue who this person is. I also considered it being a random person, that has taken notice of his suspicious behavior, yet my gut tells me that is also not the case.

My gut screams that law enforcement is onto him, but another part of me screams why would law enforcement make themselves known? Why would they be sloppy? Why risk their investigation? Maybe I am right, or maybe I am trying to convince myself that this situation isn't as bad as it may seem. I guess we'll never know until we capture this person, which currently seems like a task we will never accomplish.

My mind commonly drifts back to our home, as a way to comfort myself, escape our current reality. I picture us on the couch, his head resting in my lap, as I weave my fingers through his thick chocolate locks of hair, reading to him, without a worry in the world, in our own little bubble of safety. I long to be back there, to reverse time, for something I will never have again.

Frowning, I escape the safety of my mind, looking around us for any signs of the man, yet again coming up empty. I can feel Ryder's frustration growing. He isn't used to being outsmarted. He is used to winning. The thought of this person winning against him is driving him insane. It's making it near impossible for him to form a rational plan. He is running on impulse. He is acting with little to no thought. I try to trust him. He's always kept me safe. He's never let me down. The fear of losing him to this though, is dragging me down, deep underwater, where I cannot escape. I don't even care about my own well being, maybe I should, but I don't. Only his.


He curses, kicking the gravel across the cement. The deep frown set in stone on his face, his eyebrows deeply creased. Anger pouring out of him in waves.

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