25: sadism and masochism ☆

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Muffled screams echo around the room, as I grip the handle of the knife before forcefully swinging it downwards, slicing open pale flesh, as rivers of dark blood pour onto the bed.

Twisting the handle, I successfully silence the screams as I look up into the blue irises I love for approval.

I'm met with ocean colored eyes, full of happiness and love.

It worked.

My plan was a success.

You're probably wondering how we ended up here, so let me rewind.

After Ryder and I got up from our embrace, we went our separate ways.

Which was fine at first, until hours were speeding by without him paying any attention to me.

He was acting as if I didn't exist.

I attempted to call out to him, only to be met with cold eyes and half hearted mumbles.

The eyes who once looked at me with love and adoration were looking at me with betrayal.

He wasn't over what had happened.

And I needed to fix that.

Which is why I came up with a simple plan.

I would share with him what he enjoys most; murder.

When I mentioned the idea, a spark lit inside those beautiful eyes, warming my aching heart.

We immediately seemed to be connected again.

I finally decided it was pointless to not join him in the most important part of who he is.

Acceptance was no longer enough, joining him was necessary.

Nerves racked through my body as we left the room, but all it took was looking up at his handsome face radiating happiness to calm me down.

This was the correct choice.

It really made no sense that I hadn't joined him before this.

We are one, we should be connected in all ways.

It also isn't like I haven't taken a life before.

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