Chapter 17

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As the pair parted ways and Faramir resumed his duties in helping prepare the armies, Aragorn felt his anger for the Steward's eldest son continue to boil; he was doing all he could not to turn and slam his tightly held fist into the nearest stone wall. Instead, he focused on trying to find the teenage girl; he had asked a passing maid if she knew where the Ring Bearers bed chambers were, to which she did and gave brief directions that the man quickly followed. He was rather disappointed, however, when he knocked but received no answer; his worry continued to build as he searched the palace. Down in the city of Gondor, Maddie was trying to enjoy a stroll around with her book in hand, yet she found it quite impossible to focus on anything other than the argument she and her friends had just endured. It wasn't as if she was excited or particularly wanted to separate from the group yet again and travel to Mordor on her own; the very thought frightened her, sending a shiver through her body as she let out a sigh. But it was after she had taken a first proper stroll through the city that she realised how many people - how many women, children and elderly - that were at such a high risk. Gondor needed her friends to help them, much more than she did. Maddie knew she could do nothing for the people when it came to war and battle; she had no such experience or skills, unlike the rest of the Fellowship. If she were to help in any way, she needed to finish her quest! Gandalf had explained to her how, once the One Ring was destroyed, the Witch King and his Orc army would fall. The only problem was, how was she to convince the others of this? They'd never let her leave alone. Was she to sneak off and hope Gandalf would prevent them from following her? The young girl's thoughts were disturbed, however, by the sound of her name being called out; she turned to find a palace guard making his way over to her, bowing in respect "Steward Denethor has summoned you to the throne room" he explained politely. Maddie forcefully restrained herself from rolling her eyes, knowing it would be rude as the kind guard was merely doing his job. "He's lordship asks you attend at your earliest convenience and alone" he specified. Nodding in understanding, Maddie thanked the guard and wished him a good day and she began to make her way back up the palace; she managed to sneak around to one of the servant entrances around the back of the large and grand stone building, having done so enough times to know some of the names of the pleasant maids and servants who merely sent her a knowing smirk as she waved to them as she passed.

"Where is she?" Maddie suddenly heard from around an upcoming corner; it sounded like a certain She-Elf, voice full of worry. Rounding the corner, the sixteen year old was greeted by the sight of a good few members of the Fellowship - all but Boromir and Gandalf, in fact - as they seemed to be in a mad rush around the palace. Finding someone, if Maddie had to guess. And she bet the small pouch of coins she had in her bag back in her chambers that their target was her. Her answer was soon confirmed as Legolas happened to glance over in her direction before his eyes turned wide "there she is!" he exclaimed, his voice stained with relief; Maddie approached the four, assuring them she was fine after Gimli asked. "I've been summoned to yet another audience with Denethor" she explained with that long awaited eye roll before asking if someone might come with her to the meeting. It took less than a second before Maddie found herself with four eager volunteers; she reassured them that she only needed one, but Legolas insisted they all go. Shrugging at their odd behaviour, Maddie merely led the way; it wasn't long before the group found themselves entering the throne room, finding Denethor - as always - sat in his throne with his eldest son standing at his side. Both appeared displeased, however, as their eyes landed on the teenager's companions, all being sure to keep close to her; Aragorn placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, mumbling gentle enough for his lips to remain still but loud enough for her to hear as he warned her to stay close to him; Maddie showed no obvious reaction as she simply hummed in agreement. "You wished to speak with me?" Maddie recalled politely as she and the others came to a halt; the Steward nodded in agreement, a glare present on his face as he reminded how the request was for it to be Maddie and Maddie alone; Gimli spoke up to this, firmly and proudly stating how if he wished to have one of them, he got all of them. This was followed with a multiple of nods of agreement. Scowling at the four, Denethor dismissed the summoned audience; it was the same moment that his youngest son came in, escorting Gandalf, King Théoden and Éomer who wished to speak with the Steward. It was a smart move.

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