Chapter 12

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Due to Gandalf the Whites new found magic, he called back his friend's runaway horses and a new one for himself; they mounted up and wasted no time in galloping back in the direction of Rohan. It took around an hour before they reached the village once again. It was just like the first, with villagers staring at them as they passed; Gandalf quickly covered himself with a grew cloak, like what he used to wear. It was at the very same steps as before they were stopped and the head guard once again asked for any weapons they had on them; Gandalf peacefully handed over his sword to the guard, only to be asked for his staff. "Oh, no" he shook his head "you would not part an old man from his walking stick?" he questioned; the head guard thought upon the issue for only a moment, sending the wizard a knowing look before allowing him and his friends to pass. With a wink, Gandalf reached over and takes Legolas' hand as they enter the hall. As soon as their eyes land on their previously believed to be dead friend, the three remaining members of their Fellowship rushed to his side with relief and happiness "you're alive!" Arwen exclaimed; the wizard assured that he would explain everything to them, as soon as he had dealt with the King of Rohan. It did not go unnoticed how Gríma hurried to the King an began to whisper into his ear just like before "he is a herald of woe" both Elves heard him say in reference to their friend as they approached the pair. "The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late, Théoden King" Gandalf declared, only to be asked why he, the King, should welcome the wizard; Gríma was quick to agree, rising to his feet as he spoke "late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear" he spat "Lathspell I name him and ill news is in ill guest". Raising his voice, Gandalf demanded the man keep his forked tongue behind his teeth "I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm!" he insulted, earning a multiple of silent and hidden smirks from those around.

As Gandalf raised his staff into the air, Gríma eyes widened with fear and anger "His staff! I told you to take the wizard's staff!" he yelled with a glare; the guards made a move to do so, but were blocked by the Fellowship as they turned to face them. Very quickly, a fight broke out! Even without their weapons, they all put up a good fight and were even winning, however, they could not deny that they had some help as Maddie noticed one of the king's guards move to draw his sword, but was stopped by Háma - she had learnt of the head guard's name - as he help out his arm. Gandalf continued to approach the ill King "Théoden, Son of Théngel, too long have you sat in the shadows" he announced as he held out his hand "Harken to me! I release you from the spell!". Yet...nothing happened? As if a crazed man, Théoden began to hackle "you have no power here, Gandalf the Grey" he smirked; it was clear that this was not the true King speaking, but was the puppet master behind him! As the King continued laugh, however, Gandalf merely raised a brow before he threw aside his grey robe, revealing his new white clothes; Théoden, startled, leaned back in his throne as his laughter was cut off into gasps of shock. "I will draw you, Saruman, as poison is drawn from a wound" the wizard assured as he pointed his staff at the ill King who, in turn, squirmed within his thrown and let out groans and cries, as if in pain. A young woman, who Maddie had noticed around the hall since her and her friend's first arrival, rushed into the room; she was horrified by the sight and, fearing for the elder man, tried to go to Théoden. Seeing this, Maddie quickly rushed over and in front the young woman, stopping her in her tracks; she pleaded for her to wait, assuring her that Gandalf would never harm the King but was actually trying to help him. "If I go - Théoden dies!" the King spoke, yet it wasn't his voice! Far from it! And they could only assume it was the voice of Saruman!

Once again, Gandalf pointed at Théoden with his staff, forcing the King to fly back against his throne "you did not kill me! You will not kill him!" he declared; Théoden jumped up, his arms around ready to attack the wizard before him with a yell, but he flew back as Saruman was forced out of the King's body. With a gasp, the young woman hurried to Théoden side; she helped to sit up in time to watch as his face began to change. His eyes lit up with life, colour returned to his skin, the extra wrinkles left, most of his hair turned back to blonde, and even his breathing and poster were suddenly stronger than before! Gandalf had done it! Looking to the woman beside him, Théoden examined her face "I know your face" he mumbled, taking a moment to think "Èowyn...Èowyn" he spoke to himself; the young woman looked as if she were ready to cry, relief and happiness overwhelming her as she embraced her uncle. Seeming to only notice the wizard in that moment, the King called out his name in confusion "dark has been my dream of late" he admitted; Gandalf suggested that his fingers might remember their old strength better "if they grasped your sword" he smiled. Taking his cue, Háma brought forth the King his sword, holding it out as Théoden, with a slight hesitation, drew it with pride; he examined his sword, as if it were the very first time he had ever seen it. "Thank you, my old friend" the King smiled, slightly bowing his head to the wizard before doing the same towards the rest of the Fellowship "all of you" he smiled. They were bowing in respect for the King, however, when a scream could be heard; all heads turned to the teenager before their eyes grew wide and their hands reached for their weapons, the Fellowship all mentally cursing to find at still not having their own weapons on them! While everyone was distracted, Gríma had cowardly crept away before realising how he wouldn't be able escape Rohan before being caught; he needed leverage to escape and as this thought came to his mind, his eyes landed on the fifteen year old. In a blink of an eye, the creep lunged forward and grab onto Maddie's arm, dragging her away from the Fellowship to put some distance between them "hey! Get off of me!" she exclaimed as she struggled against the man.

Both guards, King and the Fellowship began to step forward to stop Gríma, but he quickly pulled out a dagger from beneath his robe and held it up to her neck "don't take another step closer!" he threatened; all who were present froze in their place, those who had a weapon not even daring to draw it. "You're a coward, Gríma! And a traitor!" Théoden growled as he glared at once trustful man; Gríma snarled at the King "I've only ever served you!" he snapped "but I know now, you are not the rightful ruler of Rohan!". Aragorn glared at the man before his worry filled eyes looked to the teenager; he was going to try to send her a smile of reassurance, believing she must have been terrified! However, while he could detect some fear from the girl, she was gracing a specific smirk that he had come to learn meant only one thing: Maddie had a plan in mind. "Now if you'll excuse us, but we have an appointment with my rightful master, Saruman" Gríma grinned as be began to drag the teenager in the direction of the door, never moving the dagger from her throat "he will be most pleased to finally have the One Ring to rule them all!". Maddie wasted no time in throwing her head back against the man's face, feeling satisfied by the crack she heard come from his nose as he let out a cry. Using the advantage she had given herself, the fifteen-year-old quickly elbowed him in the chest which, in turn, make Gríma lose his balance; he unintentionally moved the dagger away from her throat, granting Maddie a chance to run. But with only a step between the two, Gríma quickly reached out and gripped onto her wrist, pulling her back to him as he prepared to gut her! Maddie, however, managed to maneuver her body to avoid the weapon and instead, she was able to grasp it, ducking under the man's arm in which twisted the weapon from his hand; she didn't miss a beat as she forced the dagger into ribs! With a gasp, Gríma stared at the girl, disbelief haunting his eyes as she moved away from him, leaving the dagger lodged within his torso; Maddie's eyes somewhat replicated his own, shocked by her own actions while also feeling relieved. As he began to cough, blood fell from his mouth before he tumbled to the ground, his eyes becoming as lifeless as Théoden's had been previously.

"I...I killed him" Maddie whispered, more to herself than anyone else as horror staining her voice. Don't get me wrong, the young girl had killed before, many times in fact, and all while she had been with the Fellowship on their quest, but her opponents had all been violent blood thirsty Orcs who had been trying to take the ring from around her neck by either kidnapping or killing her. Gríma, on the other hand, had been human which somehow made her feel rather wrong for digging the dagger into his ribs. And while he had been trying to take the One Ring from her and was holding a knife to her throat, something told Maddie that he was far too cowardly to go through with his threat. But neither of those things mattered now. He was lying on the floor, dead. And it was Maddie who had put him there. She was staring down at the man when her eyes noticed the state of her hands; they were covered in red, feeling as if the blood was staining her skin with every passing second. Stepping towards the girl, Arwen gently grasped her wrist and pulled her away from the body; the She Elf carefully turned her around as she wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders, walking her over to the others who watched with concern. Confused by the reaction, the King sent a confused glance to his old friend; Gandalf was quiet in his explanation of how the teenager had never killed any other race than Orcs before. Understanding and sympathizing, Théoden approached the shocked teenager as he handed her a cloth to clean her hands before placing one of his own hands on her slim shoulder "thank you, Maddie Hunter" he smiled gently, waiting until she returned his gaze. He could see the uncertainty within her eyes, something that he saw in every new soldier "and I am sorry that cowardly traitor put you in harm's way, enough so that you had to defend yourself...I understand the first kill is always the most difficult" he spoke kindly, assuring her that, from that moment on, she would be safe within Rohan. Taking a deep breath, Maddie sent the King a smile as she bowed her head, thanking him "I believe it is time the people of Rohan see their beloved King, don't you?" she smiled.

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