Chapter 0

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No. This isn't an actual chapter of the book, but I would just like to say and mention a few thing beforehand. Thank you!

1. I have not read the books. I have only watched the movies.

2. Some parts of this book will not be in order. For example, when the Fellowship have split up, there may be moments where one half of the Fellowship are doing something that happened within the second movie but at the same time, the other half of the Fellowship are doing something that happened within the third movie. This sounds crazy and like it would make zero sense, but trust me, it does. Just try not to think of the exact order of each scene within the movies and you'll do fine!

3. I am not, by any means, the greatest person when it comes to grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc. Hell, I've probably made some sort of mistake in this post! But I enjoy writing a lot and try my best to double check, proof-read, correct and make sure it's not terrible. And it also doesn't help that I am incredibly dyslexic - like letters and numbers changing in front of my very eyes dyslexic. So if you see something that could be better, a word isn't spelt right, or my grammar could be improved, please just move on. In the past, I've experienced where people comment big paragraphs on "how I can do better" or had someone comment every. single. word. I. spelt. wrong. And yeah, some might have been to genuinely help and give advice, but it's bloody annoying and comes across less positive, more negative.

Anyway! On that final note, enjoy this book!

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