a body has been discovered!!

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No ones POV:

After hanging out with Angie and keebo at around 8:30 PM ,kokichi and maki decided to roam around the school, unaware of the terror they were about to face.

As the pair roamed around the oddly silent school, a banging sound Reached the purple haired boy, and the brunnete at his side.

As the two looked for the source, the banging got louder and louder until they were in front of the art room.

When they got there, the banging stopped as footsteps replaced the sound of the loud bangs before.

Afraid of what might be behind the door, the two had to think of what could be behind the closed door.

"I think we should check, what if someone got hurt?.." whispered the red-eyed female, as the shorter male nodded in agreement.

When they opened the door of the art room, they were greeted with a horrible sight.


The lifeless body of none other  tenko chabashira laid in the middle of the now silent art room, her head bashed into pieces, leaving her nearly unidentifiable as a bloody plank of wood laid next to her blood bathed body

"Oh my god.." said maki harukawa, shocked because of the gruesome scene Infront of her.

"We should go get someone.." said kokichi,  luckily, the Ultimate magician was not far from the art room.

"Himiko!!" Yelled maki, "nyeh, what is it? Are you okay? " Answered the red-haired female.

"Come right now!" Maki yelled again, now dragging the short magician by her hand.

Kokichi and maki then realized their mistake when himiko fell to her knees and started crying at the sight of her crush lying on the ground, dead.

"A body has been discovered, please report to the art room!, After a certain amount of time Wich you may spend how you like, a class trial will begin!"

As more and more people came in, kokichi discovered something in tenko's hands.

Kokichi took a closer look and discovered that it was a piece of dark green  fabric.

This might be a valuable piece of evidence. Kokichi thought to himself as he shoved it in his pockets.

After a few minutes after the body announcement, all students were present in the room.

Kaede was comforting the crying magician, while some simply just stared in shock and horror.

Timeskip to the class trialhsgsg

"Okay, where was everyone between 8:20-8:40 pm." Shuichi saihara asked everyone present in the room for their alibi's.

"Me and ouma-kun were walking in the school when we saw tenko dead." Maki stated, while kokichi nodded, backing up her statement.

"Nyahaha! Me , kiibo and rantaro were in kiibo's dorm after we hung out with maki and kokichi!" Stated Angie while the people mention gave a nod  backing up Angie.

"I was in my dorm!" stated the ultimate inventor, "is there anyone to confirm that?" Asked shuichi.

"I walked past friend miu's dorm and heard some music and her singing to it!" Said the ultimate entomologist, gonta gokuhara.

" I see, thanks gonta."

"Me, tsumugi, kaede , kaito and kirumi were in the cafeteria. " The ultimate tennis player stated as the people who were mentioned gave nods of approval.

"I was looking for bugs in the garden! :D" stated gonta, "can anyone confirm this?" "I saw gonta enter the garden before we left. " To everyone's surprise, kokichi was the one to answer.

"Okay, the only one without a alibi is korekiyo." Stated shuichi making all of the students suspicious of the anthropologist.

"Well, I found a piece of  fabric if that helps, nishsihi!" Said kokichi as he pulled out a small piece of fabric, about two inches long.

"Korekiyo, could you show us your clothing?" Asked shuichi.

And though reluctantly, korekiyo agreed.

As shuichi thought, a piece of fabric was missing from the tall males clothes.

With the evidence he gathered earlier he declared, "the culprit must be you,korekiyo shinguji!"

Some were in denial, some were in sadness, while one was in anger.

"HOW COULD YOU?! WHY WOULD YOU KILL HER!?!" Himiko shouted angrily, while all the people present were shocked by the sudden outburst of the small magician

"How..could you?.." himiko managed to get out between sobs, as korekiyo was dragged for his execution.


A/n: I just realized I forgot to give himiko a alibi 💀

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