Chapter 10

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Jacob pulled the mail out of the mailbox before leading Arwen into his house. "I'll be right back." He took the mail into the kitchen, setting it on the counter next to a manilla envelope. He looked back at Arwen as she came into the kitchen next to him.

"What is that?"

He shrugged, "I think divorce papers." He sighed, "I'll be right back. My book is up in my room."

Arwen nodded, grabbing a water bottle from the fridge before going to stand in the living room. She looked at the pictures of Andy and Laurie with Jacob as a kid. She looked at the pictures of Andy holding Jacob as a baby with a smile on his face. She felt her eyes stinging with tears as she imagined all the things he got that she missed out on with Andy. She wiped a stray tear away when she heard the front door open to see Laurie arriving home early.

"What are you doing here?"

Arwen pointed up the stairs, "waiting for Jacob. We were studying together but he forgot something."

Laurie shook her head as she approached Arwen, "I thought I made it clear I didn't want you in here?"

"Mom, leave her alone."

Arwen shrugged as Jacob came down the stairs. "I'm not doing anything. Why do you feel so threatened by me?" She pointed around to all the photos. "You got what you wanted. You got Andy even though he never loved you. You got the memories and the family vacations. I didn't. I didn't get any of that with him. I'm just trying to make up for lost time." She sniffled as she looked back at Laurie, "you're just threatened because you know that he only ever loved my mother and now that she's here, you'll be thrown to the side like you should have been to begin with."

Laurie took a step towards her as Jacob stood in front of her, "we're going. Don't pretend you loved him anymore than he loved you. You've always been awful to him. Don't be a sore loser mom." He pushed Arwen out in front of him as he followed her out of the house. "I'm sorry Arwen, I never really thought about all the stuff I got that you didn't."

She shrugged, "I mean, I got it. But with my other dad. I didn't get anything with Andy. And it isn't your fault our parents are all idiots."

Jacob laughed, "that they are."


Andy came home to find Laurie sitting at the kitchen table alone, looking at the divorce papers he left for her. He sighed, sitting across from her as he removed his blazer. "Do you want to talk about them?"

Laurie scoffed, "about how that woman came here and ruined my life!"

Andy sighed, "that isn't true and you know it! We've barely gotten along in years! You knew this was coming with or without Elizabeth coming back into my life! Just make it easy on everyone and sign the papers. Please. Don't make this any harder than it needs to be, especially on Jacob."

She rolled her eyes as she stood up, "what am I supposed to now?"

Andy stood up with her, "I don't know Laurie. You've gotten half my life, it's time for me to move on. You'll figure out what to do. And I hope that you do. I hope you move on and find someone that loves you in ways that I can't. Because I don't. I never did. I'll always love you for Jacob, but not in any way a woman really should be loved. I'm sorry."

"But you love her?"

Andy scoffed, "of course I do. I've loved her my entire life! And I left her, for you! I left my daughter, for you! And all you care about is yourself! Not how Jacob feels. Not how I feel. Not how Arwen feels growing up and finding out she missed out on everything with her father."

Laurie slammed the papers on the kitchen table, "fine! Then go be with her and her whore daughter!"

Andy clenched his jaw as he approached her, trying to keep the anger inside, "don't talk about her like that. Don't talk about either of them. Fuck!" He heard her following him up to the bedroom as he grabbed a bag.

"What are you doing?"

"Doing what you want! I'm staying over there. So is Jacob. Keep the house. I'll move out officially this weekend." He shoved some things into a bag before going to Jacob's room, grabbing some of his clothes as well.

"Andy. Please don't go. I'm sorry."

He turned back to her from the bottom of the stairs as he grabbed his blazer. "I have to. I'm sorry. I can't be here anymore. I can't be here with you anymore. I'm not happy. You're not happy. We're just going to end up hating each other. I already resent you. Let's not make it worse."


Elizabeth looked up from the stove when she heard the front door slam shut. She looked to see Andy enter with a bag, "what happened? Are you okay?"

He nodded, wrapping her in a hug, "I'm okay. I'm sorry. Can I stay here?"

Elizabeth pulled away to look at him, placing her hand on his cheek, "of course you can Andy. Always. What happened?"

He sighed, taking off his blazer before undoing his tie. "She didn't take the divorce papers all that well. Can Jacob stay here too?"

"I have an extra room, it's his if he wants it Andy."

He smiled, "can I move in here?"

She laughed, wrapping her arms around his torso, "only if you want to."

He nodded, "there's nothing I want more love."

"We're moving in here?"

He turned to see Jacob with Arwen behind him. He sighed, "I am. You can keep your room at your mother's house. And Elizabeth said you could have the extra room here, if you want."

Jacob smiled, "really?"

Elizabeth nodded, "yeah of course Jacob. You're always welcomed here. You can take the guest room and do whatever you like with it."

"Thanks Liz."

She laughed as he hugged her, "you're Andy's son, Jacob. There's always a place for you here." She smiled as she watched him rush back up the stairs with Arwen.

Andy sighed, "I don't know how I didn't see it the first time I saw her. They're practically twins."

She laughed, "yeah. It's freaky watching them both sitting in front of me in class."

He turned back to the kitchen, "let me help you with dinner?"

She nodded, "please."

Andy Barber - Secrets Past 💜Where stories live. Discover now