Chapter 14

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*****1 month later*****

Arwen held open the door for Jacob as he hobbled into the house on crutches. She kissed her grandmother on the cheek as she passed her.

Helen kissed Jasper and Elizabeth on the cheek, letting them into the house before stopping Andy. "Andrew Barber." She crossed her arms as Andy groaned, "it's about time you come back around here. Where the hell you been all this time?"

"Mom. Leave him alone."

Helen rolled her eyes, hitting Andy on the arm before hugging him, "I'm glad you're back."

Andy chuckled, "thank you Mrs. Walsh."

She sighed, "Andy. Helen. Please. Get in here. Merry Christmas." She turned to Jacob, "you must be Jacob, it's nice to meet you young man."

Jacob smiled and nodded, "it's nice to meet you Mrs. Walsh."

She laughed, "Barber boys, so polite. Please, call me Helen. Or if you're comfortable, grandma. Whatever you like."

He nodded, "thank you Helen."

"Show Jacob to the boy's room. Why don't you guys go get unpacked and settle in." Elizabeth nodded at Arwen as she disappeared with the boys. She turned to her mom as she sat down with Andy. "How are you mom?"

She shrugged, "I'm fine dear." She smiled, "how is it you managed to find your ways back to each other after all this time?"

Andy laughed, "pure dumb luck on my part." He looked down at Elizabeth as she chuckled. "My son was in her class."

Elizabeth nodded, "I had no idea Andy was in Boston."

"I did."

"What? What do you mean you knew?" Elizabeth looked from Andy to her mom.

"Andy came to see me after Phil died." She shrugged, "we got to talking and he said he had settled in Boston."

Elizabeth looked at Andy, "you came to visit her after my dad died?"

He nodded, "yeah. Of course I did. I didn't know where you were. And you made it pretty clear the last time we spoke that you never wanted to see me again." He looked back at Helen, "could have told me I had a daughter though."

Helen laughed, "not my secret to tell son."

Elizabeth huffed, "now I know why you were so adamant that I take the job in Boston." She laughed at her mother's grin. "Always causing trouble."

Helen shrugged, "I was hoping if you two were in the same city that you would be able to work it out. And here you are."

Andy laughed, wrapping his arm around Elizabeth's shoulders.


Elizabeth smiled at Derrick as he came to take Arwen and Jasper for the night. "Hey Derrick." She kissed him on the cheek as the kids hugged him.

Derrick laughed, "hey. Merry Christmas Helen. Andy." He smiled, shaking Andy's hand. "I'll bring them back in the morning."

Elizabeth nodded, "yeah. Of course."

Once he was gone, Andy turned to Jacob, "you sure you're okay here with Helen?"

Jacob nodded, "yes dad. Please, go. I'm fine."

He smiled, "okay. We'll be back.." He looked at Elizabeth, "at some point."

She laughed, "what does that mean Barber? You're being very cryptic."

Helen laughed, nudging Elizabeth, "just go."

"Okay then." Elizabeth followed Andy outside to her dad's old truck, "we're taking this?"

He nodded, "yes love, just get in."

She sighed, getting in as she watched him drive. She laughed, "are you taking us to our spot?"

"Yes. I want to make a new, better memory there."

She nodded, "okay." Once they pulled into their clearing, Andy got out of the car, pulling blankets and pillows out from the back of the cab to put in the bed of the truck. She laughed, "Andy, it's cold as fuck out here."

He shrugged, "I guess we'll have to figure out how to keep each other warm."

She shook her head, climbing up with him into the bed of the truck, under blankets. "Andy. I need to talk to you about something."

He nodded, "me first?"

She chuckled, "okay."

Andy grinned, "okay. I know the last time we were here was not a good experience. And that's my fault. But I'm here to fix it, to do what I should have done last time." He saw her shrug and nod, confused as he smiled. He pulled a ring box from his pocket, opening it to her.

"Oh Andy..."

He chuckled, "I love you so much Lizzie. I've loved you my whole life. And I should have done this the first time. Will you marry me?"

"Of course I will Andy." She hit him in the arm as he grunted, "you should have done this the first time." She laughed as he did, slipping the ring on her finger. "I love you too Andy. Kiss me."

He nodded, pinning her under him under the blanket as he kissed her. He pulled back, hovering over her, "what did you want to talk about?"

She grinned, wrapping her arms around his neck, "I'm pregnant, Andy. Let's do it right this time?"

He laughed, "I promise." He rested his hand on her stomach as he went back to kissing her. He leaned back again, "okay. I didn't anticipate how cold it would be."

Elizabeth laughed, "we can have sex in a bed, in the warmth. Please."

Andy nodded, "let's get something to eat first. We're too old to be having sex in the back of a truck."

She laughed as she climbed out of the back of the truck. She pulled him to her, "I love you so much Andy."

"I love you Lizzie."

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