
799 11 1

chapter name: ranbutler
written: third person
requested: no
keywords: k/n = kingdom name; r/c = random colour; h/l = hair length; h/c = hair colour
pronouns used: they/them
relationship: fluffy
benchtrio member: ranboo
au: ranbutler
prompt: y/n, prince/princess/royalty of k/n, got invited, by king philza, for a forced marriage, with his youngest son, tommy, only to fall in love, with the butler, that is taking care of them.

a/n: this is a long one


Y/n woke up, to the sound of birds singing. They opened, their balcony door, with a smile, on their face. They greeted, their birdy friends, as they saw their ally kingdom, from a far. Their smile, soon, faided away. They were forced, into marring, king Philza's youngest son, Tommy. And Y/n knew, perfectly, well that- Tommy, also didn't like her. They grew up, together- as friends. Y/n was planning on get married- until, actually- NEVER. They wanted, to be with their soulmate and never get married, even though, they might- never have the chance to meet, them. They closed the door and sighed. They couldn't see the beauty, of the used-to-be magical kingdom, anymore. It breaks their heart, now. Ever since- their father died- their mother, has been trying to force them, into marring, prince Tommy. They didn't even care, a flying shit. Growing up- their mother, never cared about- them, only their older brother, Tubbo and their father.

Soon, the favorite child, entered the room, of their younger sister/brother/sibling. "How are you doing, N/n," he asked, as they shrugged. "I don't know? I'm getting married, to someone, I grew up, with. Knowing him, has a friend," they said, crying into, their slightly, taller brother's shoulder, "I don't know, what to do, Tubs," Tubbo pulled away and looked into Y/n's vibrant e/c eyes. "Hey- it's ok. We'll figure out, something," he said, rubbing their younger sister/brother/sibling's back. A bit later, they heard their mother, come to their room. "Y/n, you piece of sh- Oh- hi, Tubbo! Can I speak, with Y/n privately? Thank you. Go eat breakfast, sweetheart," she said, kissing her son's forehead, as he headed, out of the room, giving Y/n, sad eyes and mouthing, 'I'm sorry' to them, as he closed the door and left. "Y/N!! I told you, to get dress! We are leaving in 2 hours! If you are not ready, until- 5 pm, something, is going to happened, understand!?" The taller woman said, as she took of her belt, showing it, to their poor daughter/son/child. "Yes, mother," Y/n said, nodding and closing the door, after their mother left. They slid, their back, against, the door and got up, dressing, into much, nicer clothes, then- pajamas.

A few minutes, later- they got dress, into a medium length r/c dress/suit. They looked, in the mirror, as tears, stained their, already- raw cheeks. I hate this. I HATE IT. I hate dresses. I hate being forced. Why am I even a princess/prince/royalty? Why!? I just- wanna be like- other kids. They thought, as they put the rest of their clothes- away, in the correct suitcases, as they got downstairs. They saw their mother and older brother, standing by the door, ready. Tubbo looked nice. He wore a dark green suit, with a gray tie, as their mom wore, an overly, fancy red dress. "Ready, to go?" their mother asked. Y/n nodded, as both, them and their brother, headed outside. They saw a carridge and a butler, waiting outside, to help them, in. Their mother, went in, first- thanking the young, man, as Tubbo, did the same. But, when it was their turn, they grabbed his hand and starred at him, for a bit, as he did the same. "Y/n? You alright?" Tubbo asked, smirking. "Yeah- yeah- I am! Sorry..." they whispered, as the butler, shook their head. "It's alright," he said, his voice, being deep and soothing, shotting a smile and closing the door. They looked away and smiled, sitting on the seat infront, of Tubbo. "Oooh, what was that?" he said, in a teasing tone, as they punched, his arm. "Oh- shut up!" they said, a blushing spreading on their face, as he laughed. Thankfully, their mother, wasn't sitting on the same seat or infront of them, because she would've grounded me, immedietaly. They looked out and saw the butler, ridding the horse. He looked back, sensing, someone, was watching him, as they made eye contact and smiled. Tubbo, once again, teased Y/n, as they dug their face, in their hands, as they saw the butler, laugh. Their mother was busy reading, so she couldn't see or hear them, thankfully.

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