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chapter name: how would the benchtrio react, to you telling them you have a significate other
written: headcanon
requested: ✨mY gIrlFrIeNd✨
keywords: none
pronouns used: none
relationship: platonic
benchtrio members: all
au: how would the benchtrio react, to you telling them you have a significate other
prompt: what would be the reactions of the benchtrio when you telling them you are taken


- Ranboo would def be proud of you
- If you are apart of LGBTQ+ he would paint his nails with you
- Would ask for advice if you are into men (im so proud of you ranboo :D)
- Would cry when you are hanging out with your s/o cuz hes a hopeless romantic
- Would ask to meet them
- Would scare them with his height if they try to break your heart
- But, he wouldn't try and hurt them, hes not that mean
- Yall would become the best gay trio (if you are)
- If not, you and your s/o would (jokingly) be homophobic to him

- The second you told him, he would start screaming of full joy
- Starts jumping around
- Hugs you, out of pure excitement
- Would ask you and your s/o, if you guys wanted to go on a double date with him and his s/o (i am also proud of you tubs :DDD)
- Would gift you something for you and your s/o on your anniversaries
- Would (jokingly) try to steal your s/o bc you tried to still Ranboo from him
- Minecraft double dates every saturdays (if free)
- Making fun of Ranboo being single

- If you came out as gay, he would accidently say something gay and be like: "wait- what- no, im not gay,"
- Would look at your s/o with "the-look,"
- Begging you, not to leave him like Tubbo did with Ranboo
- Being strangely clingy-er than before
- Would bully you guys on stream
- Support you guys irl
- Makes a video asking every girl out, to prove you that he can get a s/o too
- And, failing miserably
- Over all, Tommy's just poutting all the time, but is secretly, very very proud of you

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