Chapter 1 - Dana Dearden

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A small silver sedan is driving down a dirt road past farms in a familiar looking rural community. Behind the wheel of the car, Dana Dearden is driving home from college to visit her mother, in Smallville, before making her way to her summer internship.

Dana, a 5'-6", olive skinned, slender, 20 year old young lady, with short brown hair, and hazel eyes, is a journalism major at Kansas State University. She has just completed her Junior year during which she applied for several summer internships. The Daily Planet, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, and The Los Angeles Times were all on her list, but the one she truly wanted... the one she landed and jumped at without a second thought... was CatCo Worldwide Media. Dana had one dream that she had been pursuing since she first discovered her passion for chasing down stories... she wanted to learn from her idle... Kara Danvers... Kara Danvers Zor-El... Supergirl!

Even before Dana and the rest of the world discovered Kara's true identity, she had admired the grit, the tenacity, and the writing style that Kara displayed in every story she wrote. Now her idol is the Editor-In-Chief of her favorite magazine and she will have the opportunity to observe and learn from her for 12 weeks. Dana can barely contain her excitement or control her anxiety.

A smile grows across Dana's face as her car approaches the turn leading to the drive up to her parents' farm. It's been nine long months since Dana was last home. Class projects and work on the school paper made trips home for the holidays impossible during the past school year.

Her mother, Angela, has been on her own for the past three years since Dana's father passed away from an agressive brain tumor. It's been a rough road for them both, but Angela has kept the farm running smoothly with the help of several very dedicated farmhands and Dana has rededicated herself to achieving her life's dream... a dream her adoring father passionately supported...becoming a reporter.

As Dana's car approaches the main house, Angela steps out of the front door, makes her way down the steps, and walks toward thr grassy car park area with a glowing smile on her face. "Sweetheart, I'm so happy you're here!"

Dana, having parked, steps out of her car, and turns to hug her mother. "'Mom, I've missed you so much!"

Back inside the house, Dana and Angela are in the kitchen. Dana is sitting on a bar stool at the kitchen's center island while her mother is filling a tea kettle to boil water. Angela pulls two tea cups from the cupboard. "What kind would you like, sweetheart?"

"Green, please Mom," Dana says.

Angela walks to the pantry, grabs two tea bags, and walks back toward her daughter. "How was your drive?"

Dana smiles. "It was long and uneventful. The scenery was beautiful, but honestly I was just so excited to finally come home I just wanted it pass by as quickly as possible."

Angela giggles. "It's nice to have you home, but I don't remember the last time you were this excited about coming back to Smallville."

"Believe it or not," Dana adds with a longing look in her eyes, "I've missed this place... and I've missed you so much."

Angela steps around the island, puts her arms around her daughter, and they both cry. Angela stands back up, collects herself, and wipes the tears from her eyes. "This place has been kind of empty without you and your father."

Dana reaches out and takes her Mom's hand. "I know, Mom. I'm so sorry I couldn't be here this past year. The memories were so painful... I just buried myself in whatever I could at school to ease the pain."

"I understand, my love," Angela says with a tender look in her eyes. "Your Dad was my best friend, my soulmate, and every day everything here reminds me of him. It's taken me a long time to understand that he'll always be with me and I can... we can... keep his spirit alive by living our lives the way he inspired us to everyday."

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