Chapter 7 - Just A Friend

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Night has nearly fallen as only a small sliver of Sun remains visible above the horizon. The city streets begin to fill with the hustle and bustle of the evening antics of the citizenry desperately looking to put the stresses of another long workday behind them. Above it all, soaring through the cool evening breeze, Dana is dumbfounded by the awe inspiring beauty of National City's brightly illuminated cityscape. As she winds her way between highrise office towers, apartment buildings, and other structures she scans the streets and surrounding areas, focusing her eyes and ears for the sounds of trouble.

As she crosses the break between the city's center and northern outlining area she hears the frightened screams of young woman. Focusing her senses to find the source of the sound, she picks up speed as she dials in to the location of the disturbance. Coming upon a dimly lit alley she sees a young woman struggling with an armed assailant that is trying to wrestle her bag away from her.

As Dana lands behind the unsuspecting mugger the young vicitim gets a surprised look on her face and releases her purse.

As the mugger grasps the bag he turns to run and is shocked to find Dana standing behind, smiling.

He points his gun at her. "You aren't Supergirl! Who the hell are you?!?"

Dana's eyes narrow as they light up red and heat vision blasts forth from them. The beams converge on the mugger's weapon, superheating it. The assailant screams in pain and he drops the gun and his victim's bag. He grabs hold of his injured hand as Dana grabs him by the collar of his shirt.

"No," she says, "I'm not Supergirl. My name is not your concern." She picks up the gun and crushes it. She picks up the bag, drags the mugger over to the young woman, and hands the bag back to her.

"Thank you," the still frightened victim says to her rescuer. "Who are you?"

"Just a friend," Dana says as she smiles brightly, picks up the crushed gun, grabs the mugger tightly, and flies off. Several blocks away she spots a parked police vehicle and two uniformed officers. She and the mugger land gently in front of them.

"Officers!", Dana exclaims. "Found this man in an alley over on East and 7th mugging a young woman named Leslie Anderson. She lives at 3710 Daily Street, Unit 3A. She could probably use a crisis counselor and should be happy to give you a statement." Dana hands off the mugger to the officers and flies away.

A portal opens on the DEO's veranda. Kara and Lena step out and head down the staircase, making their way towards the central hub. As they approach the hub and begin to make a left to head towards the command center they hear a familiar voice calling out.

"There you two are!", Alex shouts as she quickly makes a beeline towards them. "Any luck at the Fortress?"

Kara shakes her head, "Afraid not. My parents are fairly confident that no one from Argo is on planet. They're going to double check with the Central Ministry to be certain, but I don't believe we're dealing with anyone from there."

"We figure this means we've got another Kryptonian that survived Krypton's destruction making their first appearance or a new spiecies with similar physiology that we've not encountered before," Lena notes.

Alex nods at her. "Those are certainly plausible possibilites, but we may have another explanation. We have a visitor with the team in the Conference Room you should talk to."

Alex, Kara, and Lena head up a staircase to the second level. As they reach the top of the stairs Kara turns her head to look into the Conference Room. She sees Kelly, Nia, Brainy, and Andrea seated around the conference table, and J'onn standing next to a tall, strapping familiar man in a mostly blue suit, with a red belt, and a flowing red cape.

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