Chapter 5 - Forged in Fire

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The elevator opens in the lobby of CatCo and a throng of people step out, including Dana. She makes her way to the door, but feels so physically elevated by her latest does of X-K that she makes sure to follow closely behind someone else who opens the door, notices her behind them, and holds it open for her.

"Thank you," she says politely. The unknown man nods at her as she walks by him and away from the building.

As she walks down the sidewalk she is careful to notice if anyone is paying close attention to her. Once she feels she's comfortably anonymous she heads alone into an isolated alley. Yesterday she inadvertently triggered super speed simply by thinking about what she wanted to do... today, her first goal is to master using this new found gift to get from point A to point B... not point B plus 15 miles.

She draws in a deep breath, closes her eyes, concentrates on what she wants to do, exhales, opens her eyes, and... a loud pop and a burst of wind that sends litter laying about the alley flying.

Dana is moving at a speed so fast that the world around her appears to be standing still as she weaves her way through the city's streets... heading for the location of the new low income housing complex where the press conference will begin in thirty minutes. As she makes the final turn toward the street where the event will be held she finds another isolated alley to attempt to stop... hopefully without crashing. She gathers all her strength and concentration in an attempt to will herself to stop. She lets out a muted scream as she wills the muscles in her legs to stop moving and... "Woah!!", she exclaims as she misses her intended mark by about 10 feet.

She grins broadly and says to herself, "Damn that's fun! Now I know why the Flash always seems to be smiling."

She looks herself up-and-down to make sure her outfit hasn't been negatively impacted by her new favorite way to travel, unlocks her phone, opens the camera app on selfie to check her face and hair, straightens up what needs attention, places her phone back in her bag, and makes her way out of the alley to walk the rest of the way to the press conference site.

As she approaches the site she sees Derek off in the distance speaking to a couple of other reporters. As she focuses on where Derek and the others are standing, she can see lips moving, and suddenly hears voices.

"Stuck with a newbie shadowing you today, huh Edwards?", one of them says to Derek chortling. "Nothing like babysitting an intern."

"Mature, Aaron," Derek retorts. "These kids deserve a chance to learn from seasoned professionals that are confident enough in their own abilities that they aren't threatened by 'divulging secrets of the trade'. I wish I had had better mentors coming up... so I try my damnedest to give these interns the benefit of my experience."

Aaron gives Derek a disingenuous smile, smirks, and walks away with the other man. Dana smiles and thinks to herself, "Sweet... super hearing! That Aaron's a piece of work... I see why Nia is so high on Derek, though."

She starts making her way towards Derek, but out of the corner of her eye she notices a couple of well dressed businessmen standing off to the side of the stage area. She changes direction to walk closer to the stage and stops at the edge of the building crowd. She looks at the business men, concentrates on them, and picks up their voices.

"Are you sure we have the votes?", the older of the two asks.

"Mack," the younger man says, "relax. Your 'donation' swayed everyone we need to make sure this rezoning vote goes our way."

The older man pokes the younger man in the chest and looks at him sternly. "You had better be right Councilman Jarrett. We didn't invest so much in you to see all of this fall flat. If this deal goes sideways I guarantee your next run for office will fall just as flat."

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