Chapter 15 - Second Chances and Next Chapters

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A couple of days later, Kelly is sitting on one of the small sofas in the Tower's Lounge and Game Room reading a book while Esme sits in a small chair at a table drawing pictures with her crayons. They both look up from their activities as the relative quiet in the room is replaced by the sound of the elevator motor humming to life.

"Sweetie," Kelly addresses Esme. "Time to clean up your stuff. Aunt Kara and Aunt Lena will be here shortly to pick you up."

A wide, happy smile fills Esme's face as she excitedly starts to collect her things. "Okay, Mommy!"

The noise from the elevator motor slowly begins to fade as the cab reaches its destination. The door slides open to reveal Dana, Kara, and Lena. As they exit the elevator an excited Esme runs toward her aunts.

"Auntie Lena... Auntie Kara!", Esme says with an exuberant giggle as she starts to float off the floor towards them.

Dana's eyes pop with surprise. "Exactly how many of us can do that?"

Kelly giggles, but reminds her daughter, "Sweetie... we've talked about that. No mimicing other people's powers without their permission."

Kara grins ecstatically. "Oh my, monkey... you are getting so good at that!" Esme laughs as Kara snatches her out of the air and gives her kisses and a big hug.

Through her giggles, Esme says to Kelly, "Sorry, Mommy!"

Lena turns to Dana with a bright smile and says, "Our niece is a Dyralian. She has the abilty to sense other people's powers and to mimic them. Kara has been helping her learn to control when she mimic's Kryptonian powers." Kara turns and hands Esme to Lena who hugs and kisses her niece before shifting her to sit on her hip and continuing, "As you can see she's getting pretty good at flying, but her Mommy clearly wants her to work on her self control."

Kelly walks over and playfully pokes Esme's nose as she replies, "Yes, she certainly does."

Lena looks Esme in the eyes. "You ready to go yet, princess?"

Esme responds, "Almost. Can you help me get the rest of my things?"

Lena's eyes beam. She sets her down, takes her hand, and says, "Lead the way, sweetie." Lena and Esme walk back to the table as Kara turns to look at Dana and Kelly.

"Dana," Kara begins, "this is my sister-in-law, Kelly Olson-Danvers. Kelly, this is Dana Dearden." Dana and Kelly reach out and shake each other's hands.

"Pleasure to meet you," Dana says a bit nervously. "Do you prefer Ms. Olson, Mrs. Danvers...?"

Kelly smiles warmly and interjects, "You can call me Kelly, Dana. It's a pleasure to meet you, too."

Kara puts a hand on Dana's shoulder and gives her a reassuring smile. "You are in the best hands possible. Kelly is amazing and incredibly easy to talk to. Also, we've informed the team that the Tower is off limits while you two are here so you'll have all the privacy you need."

Dana nods appreciatively. "Thank you, Kara."

Esme and Lena walk back over ready to head out. Kelly looks at her daughter and says, "Esme, say hello to Dana."

"Hello," Esme says as she reaches out her hand to Dana. Dana takes it and gently shakes it as Esme continues, "I remember you from Auntie Kara's office a couple of days ago. You have the same powers as Auntie Kara now, but you didn't before, did you?"

Dana gives her a warm, but uneasy smile. "You're right. I didn't when we first met. I had an accident a couple of days ago that changed that, but your Moms and your Aunts are trying to help me figure it all out."

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