Chapter 2 - Love's New Normal

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The streets outside of National City Bank are crowded with police vehicles and curious bystanders. Inside the bank, five heavily armed thugs in ski masks have attempted a robbery, but tripped a silient alarm and have taken the bank customers and employees hostage while they try to work out an escape plan.

The robber closest to the bank's front entrance has an automatic weapon pointed at the group of hostages huddled on the floor just outside of the tellers' counter. "All of you... keep quiet and don't try anything stupid!!"

The bank's phone is ringing incessantly as the police try to contact the robbers to negotiate the release of the hostages, but to no avail.

Two of the robbers are behind the tellers' counter emptying the cash drawers. "Dan, what the hell are we going to do?"

Dan replies, "I don't know Teddy. Bill says we just need to keep our heads and delay the police while he figures out how to get us out of here."

Teddy anxiously responds, "How are we supposed to do that if Bill won't pick up the damn phone and talk to the cops."

Just as Teddy and Dan finish emptying out the last of the cash drawers everyone in the bank is startled by the unexpected opening of the front door. The robber at the front of the bank turns to face the figure walking through the door. "Who the hell are you and how the hell did you get in here?!?"

A young blonde, with a ponytail and glasses, wearing olive green pants, a white button up shirt, and a light brown sweater looks up and smiles at the robber. "I opened the door and walked in... just wanted to make a deposit."

Angry and confused the robber points his weapon at the woman and barks, "Lady are you dumb!! This bank is being robbed and that door was locked! Who the hell are you?!?"

Grinning from ear-to-ear, the blonde removes her glasses and taps her left wrist. A familiar blue outfit begins to materialize up her arms, her legs, and her torso... meeting in the middle of her chest as the all too familiar symbol of the House of El takes shape. "The name is Kara. Kara Danvers Zor-El... and I'm afraid your requested withdrawal has been denied."

Kara super speeds throughout the room disarming the robbers, knocking each of them out.

A portal opens to the left of the hostages. Alex and Lena step out and as it closes behind them Alex reassures the hostages. "Everyone you're safe now."

A short time later, the police escort the robbers out in hand cuffs as Alex and Lena guide the hostages out to be examined by medical personnel. Kara walks out after everyone has exited. "Told ya 'OG Kara' would throw them off!"

Lena looks at her amused and smiles. "You dork! If I didn't love you so much I might be a little embarrassed to admit my girlfriend just referred to herself as 'OG Kara'."

Alex walks over and punches Kara's arm. "I can't believe you actually did that!"

"What?", Kara replies as she pretends to be hurt by her sister's love tap. "Everyone in that situation is fully expecting Supergirl to swoop in and try to foil their robbery. No one is expecting Miss Grant's old personnel assistant to show up unannounced to make a deposit." Kara chuckles, "That guy was so confused when he saw me."

Alex and Lena both grin incredulously and shake their heads. Lena looks at Alex with sympathetic eyes. "She's your sister."

Alex retorts, "Hey, you fell in love with her!"

Kara amusingly interjects, "Excuse me!! You both love me!" They all look at each other and laugh.

"Kara, love, don't you need to get to CatCo?", Lena, tapping her wrist, reminds her.

Supergirl - Kara Authentic - Volume 2 - ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now