Babysitter Blues

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Scorn and Thorn land at the front of Berry Bitty City, groaning and gagging at all the bright colors and merry Berrykins roaming around.

Thorn: Ugh, this place blows!

Scorn: You said it! Not an inch of darkness to be found!

Thorn: Well, we're gonna fix that! Let's go do some spyin'!

Then, they hear the sound of footsteps coming from behind them. It's the masked figure, flipping it's coin. Scorn and Thorn cackle at it.

Scorn: What's this? Some sort of ninja?

Thorn: Looks like he's looking for trouble!

Scorn: Well, he's found it! The trouble is us!

The ninja points to Berry Bitty City and shakes their head.

Thorn: Oh, look, he doesn't want us to do our job!

Scorn: Neither do I, but I ain't gonna let some puny ninja tell me what to do!

Thorn: Then let's teach him a lesson, in pain-ology!

They chuckle evilly and fistbump as they buzz towards the ninja. The ninja, in the blink of an eye, flips over both of them, chucking a sai into Scorn's eye, causing him to roar and growl.

Scorn: My eye!

Scorn rips out the sai, permanently disabling his eye.

Scorn: Ragh! I'm partially blinded! Thorn, avenge me!

Thorn: You got it, bro!

Thorn lunges at the ninja and throws a punch, but the ninja dodges and leaps in the air to kick Thorn across the face. Thorn flies back but Scorn takes the sai and chucks it back at the ninja. The ninja epically catches the sai and teases both of them by covering its eye and walking around, limping. That angers both Scorn and Thorn, and they both dash at the ninja. The ninja rolls out of the way, but Thorn has an idea. He knows the ninja can't go to through town if they want to keep themself hidden. He sees Plum's studio and buzzes towards it at top speed. Thorn crashes through Plum's window. Scorn, with his remaining eye, sees this and decides to taunt the ninja by buzzing in the air too, high from the ninja's reach.

Scorn: There's one thing you forget, bro! We can fly!

Scorn cackles as he races after Thorn through the window of Plum's studio. Knowing they can't go after the two minions without being seen, the ninja puts his sai away and retreats, sighing deeply.

In the dance studio, Scorn and Thorn see that Plum isn't there.

Scorn: Nobody's home.

Thorn has an idea.

Thorn: We are.

Scorn catches on and cackles.

Scorn: Alright!

Thorn: Time to turn this place inside out!

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