Overthrow One

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King Vorthrax is boasting to the princess as he has her imprisoned in a cage on a little pedestal in his underground lair.

King Vorthrax: Aw! How depressing! Berry Berry City's only protector isn't there to protect it! Makes sense, 'cause you're a loser! [cackles]

Princess Berrykin: Your insults are as bad as your breath.

King Vorthrax: Don't you mock my hygiene! If there's one coverage villainy doesn't give you, it's dental! But don't worry, I plan to spiff myself up once I make my royal inauguration speech!

Princess Berrykin: They will never bow to you. No matter how tough you are on them, their spirits are tougher. Just wait and see.

King Vorthrax: Okay. Now if you'll excuse me, I have more of my swarm to bring to the surface!

Princess Berrykin: How much more?

King Vorthrax: So much more. I'd introduce ya, but my swarm likes to eat first, ask questions never. Adios!

He goes to leave.

Princess Berrykin: Wait!

He groans and turns to her.

King Vorthrax: What?

Princess Berrykin: I'm thirsty. Can you at least give me some water?

King Vorthrax: There isn't any. This cave is all dried up. And I ain't gonna go out to get you any either. A prisoner is a prisoner.

Princess Berrykin: Please. I won't ask any more of you.

King Vorthrax: No!

He marches away from the princess and to the place where he freed himself. The crack is still fresh.


King Vorthrax flies out through the hole he made while, deep from within the crack, many of his minions emerge, cackling and hollering. They meet him in the air.

King Vorthrax: Minions, today we reclaim what's mine!

The minions cheer and shout.

King Vorthrax: This Berry Bitty world thought it had seen the last of me, huh?! Oh no! They're all gonna be in for a rude awakening!

Minion: [to another minion] What's an awakening...?

Minion: I don't know, I'm not a dictionary...

King Vorthrax: Let's move out, to reclaim Vorthraxia!

King Vorthrax leads his minions to Berry Bitty City while the imprisoned princess, from deep within the lair, laughs. She sees her scepter sitting on another pedestal across from her.

Berrykin Princess: That buffoon.

She uses her telekinetic powers to disable the lock on the cage, to free herself. The problem is her powers aren't working.

Berrykin Princess: Oh dear! My powers! This cage has disabled them! [sighs] Great. Whatever, I'm not too worried. I have confidence that Strawberry, Dominic and the others will find a way to save Berry Bitty City.

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