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King Vorthrax is in his underground lair, barking down at his minions about their impending strike on Berry Bitty City. He is rather excited, since he's been waiting for this moment for a thousand years.

King Vorthrax: Attention, my evil swarm! It has been tedious preparing for the attack, but all my hard work will pay off! I'll be king of this world again, reversing its wretched kindness and polluting it with darkness! No more songs, no more flowers, and no more Berry-heads!

He cackles and snatches a minion from the crowd, just to bash his fist into the minion's skull, pulverizing it. That only makes the minions even crazier, encouraging King Vorthrax to keep going.

King Vorthrax: By tomorrow night, Vorthraxia will be restored! I'll have those humans chained up and slave-ified, and they'll watch as everything they love burns!

He raises his arms, urging his minions to cheer for him.

King Vorthrax: That's right! Cheer for me! I'm the most powerful being alive! I'm absolutely psychotic!

He bursts through the ceiling, shooting himself into the stratosphere and stops to cackle at the barrier surrounding Berry Bitty City in the distance.

King Vorthrax: I... AM... A GOD!

He cackles as he shoots lighting from the palms of his hands.

Scorn buzzes after King Vorthrax through the new hole in the roof.

Scorn: What's the plan now?

King Vorthrax: Intimidation. Let those Berry-heads fear the inevitable.

Scorn nods with a smirk.

Scorn: Gotcha. I'm gonna make it hurt.

King Vorthrax: No. Don't lay a single claw on them. I want to wait until tomorrow, when all is lost.

Scorn: All will be lost.

King Vorthrax gets annoyed.

King Vorthrax: I know! That's what I said! Go, intimidate them! Shoo!

Scorn: B-but, boss, are you sure they're that easy to intimidate?

King Vorthrax: Of course they are! Those weak humans don't have what it takes to fight, and that makes them vulnerable! Instill as much fear into them as possible!

Scorn: Y-yes, boss!

Scorn scrambles and takes off, leaving King Vorthrax to cackle to himself.

King Vorthrax: While I prepare the annihilation of a lifetime!


It's the morning after the ball, and outside the gazebo, I have everyone's attention as I'm explaining our plan to defeat King Vorthrax. Everyone is sitting in chairs, not taking their eyes off me for a second. It's awkward, yes, but it's for a good cause. I clear my throat and speak what's on my mind.

Me: I'm sure we all hate the idea of punching somebody, right?

Everyone nods in agreement.

SSBBA: The King and the CoconutWhere stories live. Discover now