You have a girlfriend⬛️ Sam

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I was sitting in the living room editing on my computer then Sam walks in. He heads over to the kitchen and asks "I'm making pizza rolls want some?" "Sure" I respond and continue editing. He puts the pizza rolls in the oven and walks over to the couch. "Hey can I turn on a movie or will I bother you?" He politely asks me "of course dummy" I say smacking his cheat playfully.

Katrina was with Stas getting their nails done and going shopping at the mall so they wouldn't be back for a while. Colby was with Nate catching up so he wouldn't be back.

"What you wanna watch?" Sam asks me "uh you can choose the movie tonight" "okay" He turns on "The breakfast club" (a/n you should watch if it's hilarious). "I love this movie" I say excitedly. All of a sudden a ding goes off, it's the oven. "Pizza rolls are done" I say to Sam "thanks captain obvious" he says smacking my thigh and getting up off the couch.

He comes back with the pizza rolls. I put my computer up and set half the tray on my lap and half on his lap.

We start the movie and I cuddle up to him since I was cold. He put his arm around me I thought nothing of it. It gets to the part where they ask the girl if she's a virgin when Sam pauses the movie. "Hey I was watching that" I say whining "are you a virgin" Sam asks me straight faced. "I what" "you heard me" "no I'm not" I respond "good so it shouldn't hurt" he says picking me up taking my to his room.

He throws me on the bed and asks "pill or condom" "pill" I respond. He takes off my pants and goes straight to my underwear eating me out through them "fuck Sam" I moaned. He then takes off my underwear and starts eating me out. I grab his hair and pull it while throwing my head back. "Fuck you taste so good" he says plunging 2 fingers inside of me and going back to eating me out. "Holy shit how are you so fucking good at this" I tell him moaning out loud. After about 10 minutes of his tongue on my heat he pulls away and we start to make out roughly as he continues to finger me.

We make out for about 5 more minutes before he pulls away and pulls his fingers out. He puts a blindfold on me and handcuffs me with my hands above my head in missionary . He puts a vibrator at my clit and jerks himself off to me as he watches me squirm with pleasure. He suddenly thrusts into me hard and fast not showing any mercy. He starts to rub my clit in tight circles. This causing me to be pushed over the edge and cum all over his dick. He then finished in me and turned me over put a new condom on me started pounding me faster than before. He then took the vibrator and put it at my clit again causing me to squirm and scream into the pillow. He wraps his hand around my throat and pulls me up to his chest. After we both finish the second time he pulls out and I suck him off, half way done. We hear "Sam I'm home" it was Kat we rush to get dressed. "Hey y/n why were you in here" "oh I was editing with Sam" I say leaving the room

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