Addicted🟥 Sam and Colby

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I wake up and notice Colby is still sleeping, so i reach into my bag and pull out my weed, and cocaine. I go to the bathroom and opened the window and lit the blunt and started smoking it. I then snorted the cocaine. This was my morning routine. I finished the blunt and went back to the room putting in my eye drops so I wouldn't look high.

I then go in the bathroom spray the air freshener, wash my face, brush my teeth, and brush my hair. I go to the kitchen and cook breakfast for colby.

Colby's pov:

I wake up and use the bathroom but this time I seen a half smoked blunt and some white powder and considering there was a blunt I knew it was drugs cause why would there be sugar or flour in the bathroom. I go down stairs and go out side seeing a bunch of half smoked blunts on the ground I knew that she was on drugs at this moment.

I ran back inside past the kitchen with a handful of blunts in my pocket for evidence. I got to Sam's room I didn't even knock I just burst in while in tears.  "Sam please she's on drugs" "wait what who?" He says immediately looking up from his phone. "Y/N she's smoking blunts and doing cocaine" I say cuddling up to him crying on his shoulder.  He hugs me.

Your POV:

I Heard someone run upstairs but I assumed it was Sam. I continued cooking Colby's waffles and put whipped cream and strawberries on it.
I then start making mine which is the exact same as his. I all of a sudden start to feel dizzy but that's normal cause of the drugs.

I finish cooking mine when I start to feel dizzy again. I go back to mine and his room I see he's not there so I assume he is in the bathroom. After about 15 minutes I go to ask Sam where colby is, but before I could hear him say come in I blacked out

Colby's pov:

There was a knock on Sam's door and he went to go open the door when all of a sudden there was a loud crash he rushed over and opens the door. There she was laying in the ground. "COLBY CALL 911" Sam yells to me. I quickly dial 911 and they come get her.

We sit in the waiting room of the hospital. "I hope she makes it" I tell Sam worriedly "me too Colby" he says looking down texting Kat about what happened. The doctor came out and told us something we didn't wanna hear "hey so she isn't dead but she is very much unconscious and we honestly don't know if she will make it do to how many drugs she consumed".

I start to cry and I had to lean onto Sam when a fan came up to us. "Hi Sam and Colby are you guys okay" she says "no y/n is in the hospital and we don't know if she will make it" Sam replies. "We can still take a picture though" I tell her. We take a picture with her and sit back down. Kat walks in and hugs me and Sam.

"Sam, Colby we have news" the doctor says. We go up to the doctor when he says "there's a 1% chance she is gonna make it" "so that's a 99% chance that she dies?" Sam asks bursting into tears "yes I'm afraid so". We stay about ten more minutes when the doctor says (choose your end)

Alternative ending I (she lives)

"She's awake" "thank god" we all say in relief. We go back to her room and she's up and eating. "BABY" I run to her hugging her. 

We move on with life and start a family

Alternative ending II (she dies and so does Sam and Colby)

"I'm so sorry to say but, she passed away" "no this can't be happening" Sam says. I immediately fall to the ground.
After the funeral:
I get home and me and Sam do what our plan was we go live one last time and post it on YouTube as well saying goodbye. We then head to the nearest and tallest parking garage which was 40 floors high (160 feet high). We go to the top hold hands say our last words "this earth is cruel and life is short" as we jump we yelled "GOODBYE" the last thing we hear are people screaming and sirens.

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