Pretty boy-⬛️

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This story is Y/N Dom and Colby is the sub. Don't like it don't read it. There is fluff and so when I put ***** that means the smut is beginning/ending.

Y/n pov:
Colby was on his way home from filming with Sam and I knew he would want to cuddle and maybe have a bath so I went ahead and got him out his favorite clothes to wear when he cuddles me. I went and ran a warm bath with bubbles, candles, and rose petals. He loves having those types of baths after work.

Colby pov:

I was on to my way home and I was tired and wanted cuddles from y/n, I loved her so much and I missed her, I mainly miss her fucking me sensless but I'm not horny right now. I can't wait I hope she started my bath and cuddle clothes. I come back to reality as I hear a car horn. I continue on my way hone

Y/n pov:

Just as the bath finishes filling I hear the front door open and I knew it was Colby so I strip and get in the bath waiting for him

Colby pov:

I walk in and see y/n in the bath waiting for me
"Hi baby" she says as I undress. I get in the bath and sit on her lap

Y/n pov:
I play with his hair as he sits in my lap 'he's so cute' I think to myself "I've missed you so much babe" he says "I've missed you too baby boy" I kiss him and it starts to get heated. I get out of the bath and help him up out of the bath and take him to the bed (they dried off) and lay him down
I put lube on my finger and rub it around his hole. "Please don't tease me mommy" he begs and he pushes himself down onto me and I push my finger in and he moans, god I love his moans, I enter another finger and he moans even louder. I start thrusting my fingers in him softly and I gradually get faster. I keep going and going. "Oh my god" he moans as he shuts his eyes and throws his head back into the pillow. I kiss him and choke him, he moans even louder. I pull my fingers out and I put on my strap-on and he crawls down and starts sucking even though I can't feel it just the way he looks sucking it makes me moan. He keeps on gagging over and over and his it's turning me on. He is so fucking hot I swear to god. "Turn over baby" I say as he turns in his back waiting for directions "okay with yourself I wanna watch" I tell him "yes mam" he says as he inserts his fingers in himself and he lets out a gasp and he starts fingering himself "mmmm mommy fuck" he says as he moans and looks me in my eyes. I walk over to him and I pull his finger out of him. And put the strap on at his hole and look up for consent, he nods, i slowly push in and he gasps And grips the sheets i bottom out and let him adjust before i slowly starts thrusting in his tight hole. I push back in and pull back out, then in, then out, in, out, in,out he throws his head back as i speed up my thrusts. He moans loudly so I put my hand over his mouth to muffle them because the roommates don't know I'm the Dom and he's the sub. "Mommy can I cum please" he begs "yes baby cum for mommy" he cums all over his stomach and partially on the strap on. I keep thrusting trying to get him to his second orgasm. "Mm fuck mommy" he says. I look down at the dildo going in and out of him as he whimpers "oh" over and over god it's like music to my ears i then hear him moan loudly so I pull his leg on my shoulder and keep hitting that spot knowing it's his prostate he cums a second time before saying "mommy it's too much please pull out" I do as he says
********************************************* I clean him up and put his clothes on him and he lays in my chest as I turn on 'the breakfast club' and be curls up hugging my side "I love you baby" I say "I love you to" he says back snuggling his head in my chest before going to sleep.

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