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Today was the day I was gonna ask him out I haven't eaten in two weeks and I feel like it's been long enough. I get dressed in a crop top and shorts

And I go to the store and by food substitute so I don't have to eat but I get the nutrients I need

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And I go to the store and by food substitute so I don't have to eat but I get the nutrients I need. It was around 3 in the afternoon and it was time. I drove home and walked up to his door.

I knocked "come in" he says. I walked up to him and sat beside him on his couch. "Hey we need to talk about something" I say. "Okay what's up" "I have realized this for a while and I couldn't say anything until now. I know we haven't known each-other that long but over time I have developed feelings for you and I was wondering if I could be your girlfriend" I say getting a little excited at the end. My heart was beating so fast right now. I was so nervous about what he was about to say. "Hey look y/n I'm not trying to be mean or anything but I don't feel the same way about you. If I'm being honest I have feelings for Stas and I plan on asking her to be my girlfriend tonight". My heart broke into a million pieces and I burst into tears. I felt like I was in a nightmare.

I ran to my room and locked myself in there and cried. I then reached into my bedside drawer and grabbed my blade I cut my wrists. In that moment I heard Stas yell "OH MY GOD YES I WILL". That made me cut deeper until eventually I blacked out.

Sam's POV:
I heard Stas tell "OH MY GOD YES I WILL". Right after I heard a loud crash from y/n room and I rushed over.I knocked five times. No answer. "Y/N OPEN THE DOOR NOW. Y/N NOW PLEASE."I then rammed myself into her door.

Colby's Pov:
I just asked Stas and she yelled "OH MY GOD YES I WILL" then there was a loud crash from y/n room. I assumed nothing and continued hugging Stas. I then heard Sam yell at y/n "Y/N OPEN THE DOOR NOW. Y/N NOW PLEASE" I knew something was wrong and I ran downstairs to see what was wrong and I seen Sam ramming himself into the door.

Sam's POV:
Colby ran downstairs and watched me. I finally get the door down and there she was. Blood covered her wrists and thighs while she lay on the floor lifeless. My heart shattered and I immediately yell "CALL 911 NOW".

Colby's POV:
He got the door down and I seen her. I knew this was my fault. As soon as Sam yelled to call 911 I was already on the phone. I ran up to her and hugged her lifeless body she had a very slow pulse.

Sam's POV:
"Colby what the hell did you do" I say angrily waiting for the ambulance. "All I did was say I didn't feel the same way about her" Colby said crying.  The ambulance got here and took her away. I followed behind it.

That's the end.....

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