Colby and Stas 🟥 short

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I wake up and it's a normal day in Vegas "hey baby I'm gonna go party okay" my boyfriends Colby tells me "yeah yeah colby I know" I say kissing his cheek. "Okay bye baby i love you" he says walking out the door. 

It was always the same thing every single day. Wake up shower club repeat. How was I gonna tell him I am pregnant with his baby. Oh well I wore baggy clothes anyway. I take a bath and relax. I go on instagram and see a fan post


Liked by colbybrxck267, and 6200 moreIs Colby cheating on Y/N with @stasiavuu??

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Liked by colbybrxck267, and 6200 more
Is Colby cheating on Y/N with @stasiavuu??

Colbybrxck267: I think so but he may just be drunk anyways!!

Y/Nxxx275: HE BETTER NOT BE!!😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬

Hater: good Stas is better

Hater: they are both sluts

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I couldn't believe it what the hell was this! I'm furious just then Colby walks in "hey baby" he says kissing me. "FUCK YOU AND HER BITCH" I yell running to the bathroom getting the pregnancy tests "what was that for" he asks. I show him the post and then I pull out the pregnancy tests "YOURE PREGNANT?!" He asks suprised and guilty. "What's going on in here" asks Kat "I'm pregnant and Colby's cheating with Stas" I say running out the house and get in my car. I run the car into the wall and black out.

Colby POV:

I was hanging out with Stas and I start flirting with her before I know it I'm cheating on y/n with her. I start to dance with Stas her infront Im in back. I feel myself get hard and now I'm in the bathroom and having sex with her. 

I go home and y/n starts yelling at me she runs out of the house. I run to the bathroom and cut my wrists. All of a sudden I get a call from the hospital "hello is this Colby Brock" "yes" "hey so y/n is in the hospital she ran her car into a wall and she is very much injured" I drop the phone and run out the house. Sam following behind me.

I burst into tears and my vision gets blurry but luckily i make it to the hospital in time. I run in and ask the nurse if I can see her. Luckily she lets me back to see her I run up to her and hug her.

Your POV

I wake up to colby hugging me and he is crying so much. "I'm not gonna make it Colby" I say in tears "don't forget that I love you and don't forget me" i flatline and pass away.

I see a ball of light it keeps getting bigger and bigger. Last thing I hear is "y/n don't leave me".......

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