Your baby🟥 with happy ending

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"Oh fuck Brennen". I moaned he came in me. "Okay we are done go home"(🚩if anyone does that leave them🚩) he says going on his phone. "No cuddles?" I ask frowning "no now leave" he says doing the hand shooing thing. I start walking home and sneak back in. I hadn't realized anything I just went to sleep.

3 weeks later...

I wake up feeling nauseous and I run to the bathroom and throw up. I also had my period a week late when it hit me. I might be pregnant. I rush to the store and buy 3 pregnancy tests. I take them. 5 minutes. I flip them over one by one positive, positive, positive. I think 'oh shit I'm fucking pregnant I have to tell Brennen'   I call Brennen, no answer, I call again, no answer.

I decide to go over to his house he's asleep. "Hey Bren we needs talk" I say waking him up "yeah what's up" he asks waking up. "I'm pregnant" "YOURE WHAT" he said slapping me in the face so hard it leaves a hand print. I wince in pain and grab my face. "YOU LITTLE WHORE HOW ARE YOU FUCKING PREGNANT I PULLED OUT MOTHER FUCKING BITCH". "NO YOU DIDNT BRENNEN" I yell running out in tears.

8 months later...

I walk into Brennen room and see him cheating with some other girl. "Ehem" I say crossing my arms "i it's not what it looks like" he said covering up. "BRENNEN WHAT THE HELL IM PREGNANT WITH YOUR BABY AND YOU CHEAT ON ME" I yell crying at this point.

All of a sudden my water breaks. "Brennen take me to the hospital I'm going into labor" I tell him "no I won't your pregnant and a whore" he says leaving and kicking my phone out of my hand. I start to scream and his brother Jake comes up "oh my god where's Brennen we need to get you to the hospital" he says picking up my phone calling 911. "Hi yes I have a girl on the floor her water just broke at 6267 26 street Woolley avenue". Before I know it I'm in the hospital holding my baby.

 Before I know it I'm in the hospital holding my baby

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