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"I hate that dumb fuck Gale! She's so nosy. If she ever gets near you again, then I'll kick her ass..instead of Billy!" Tatum exclaimed.

"Yeah. She's supposed to be nosy. Gale's a news reporter, dummy." I frowned. Tatum scoffed.

"Tatum jumps in with her super strength. She punches Gale and..." Tatum narrated. "Bam! Bitch goes down to the floor, straight towards a place called 'bitch can't get any dick to suck on'!" she continued, punching her white bear plushie to the floor.

"Tate. Calm down.." I groaned with my face stuffed under the pillows. Me and Sidney were both sleeping over at Tatum's. She gave us our own beds too sleep on in her room, which was nice. Sidney was staring at the roof. She had been long gone in her spacing out.

"Hey Sidney? Sidneeyyyy?" I said, stretching over to her bed.

"Hm?" she snapped out of her thoughts. Her hands tugged at her pink nightgown.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah..just thinking about stuff." Sidney replied.

"She's thinking about Loomis!" Tatum mocked. She placed her fingers on the bottom wood board of the bed, attempting to snatch the bear tossed on the floor, her short gown slipped up, revealing her underwear. I jumped over to Sidney's bed and covered my eyes with her sheets.

"Ugghh! Tatum! Wear some shorts or something!" I grumbled loudly. Sidney clicked her tongue, scratching her head with an individual finger.

"Whaat? We're all friends so it doesn't really matter. And besides, it's not like we're going to make out after or something." Tatum rolled her eyes and brushed her short ponytail.

"Tate! That's disgusting." Sidney stated. I gave a small eye roll to the whole situation.

"Hmph. Whatever. In my defense," Tatum said like some sort of male teacher. "Sidney, you're still dating Billy, he's totally psycho. Also, (Y/N) is all over Randy. So yeaahh." She huffed.

"I do not. We just haven't ended things off yet." Sidney grumbled. A frown crept up to my face in sync of her words.

"Damn Sidney, you should break up with him immediately." Tatum mumbled. "And (Y/N). Didn't you say that whenever Billy rang you, he called you by sicko pet names?" she continued. I shrugged my shoulders slowly and chewed the inside of my cheek.

"What I'm saying is..maybe he has the hots for (Y/N) or something?" Tatum bugged. "Oh my god! Randy would freak at this." She gasped.

"I...fairly agree." Sidney admitted. "I mean the way he looks at you, and glares at Randy whenever you guys get close. Sometimes, I can even catch Stu staring also." Sidney blurted out. "Billy is just...immaculate towards me. But I don't want to end things with him so soon.." She muttered.

"Stu!? Liking (Y/N)? Pssh, impossible. He might call her 'sunshine' and flirt sometimes, but that's just how Stu is." Tatum fought back. Sidney raised her arms defensively. I jumped over to my bed which was planted at the far corner of the room.

"I don't know guys, this all just doesn't make any sense to me." I bit my lip.

"Okay this discussion has gotten way out of hand. I call on quits." Tatum grumbled. "Anyways. (Y/N), grab me the green nail polish over by my desk." She asked.

"Ew. Green?" I questioned. "I don't mean to shame..but that color on your nails would be tacky." I said.

"Green is the only color that has a strong pigment! Now hand it over please!" Tatum demanded, sticking her hand out.

"Err, fine. Sidney, pass this bottle to Tatum." I said, giving her the nail polish bottle. She took it and gave it to Tatum.

I looked out the window, opening my mouth with nothing coming out.

"I'm drifting off. Goodnight guys." Sidney yawned, covering herself under the plain white sheets.

"Night." I hummed.

"It's pretty early and dinner isn't even ready. But, goodnight Sid." Tatum mumbled, blowing on her first nail to air it out.

"I'm not really hungry, just pretty tired. I kinda pulled an all nighter last night." Sidney admitted. I could hear her snooze slightly.

I rustled my head against the sheets, leaning my head over to look at Tatum. She was one bed away from me. A grin was plastered over on her face as she hummed quietly.

"Whatcha humming?" I asked.

"I don't know..a random tune." Tatum replied.

"Hm, okay." I said, rolling over to the side of my bed. I slipped off in a split second. My head thumped on the floor, making a loud noise. Tatum stumped over, shaking her hair in the process.

"Ouch.." I mumbled, rubbing the back of my head.

"Do you need like...ice or something for that? I can call Dewey to get it for you, or my mom. Look, Dewey-!" I cut Tatum off.

"No, no, I'm alright. Besides, Sidney is trying to sleep!" I hissed quietly. I sprang up and sat on the bed. Tatum painted a fresh coat of nail polish on her thumb.

"Aww! This nail is perfect!" Tatum squealed, fanning her hand in the air. A couple footsteps came across the stairs. Mrs. Riley was sprawled against the doorway, holding a phone up that was wrapped around her fingers.

"Hey mom, dinner ready yet? Oh, and Sidney said she didn't want any." Tatum said.

"No sweetie, not yet. I actually came here too say that there's a phone call for (Y/N)." she smiled. I got up and walked over to her, taking ahold of the phone from her hand.

"Did they tell you who it was Mrs. Riley?" I asked. She nodded her head no. I shrugged and stepped outside. I rose the phone up to my ear and awaited for someone to speak.

"Hello? Who is this?"

"Hello (Y/N)." My mouth dropped wide open in shock.

"Did you miss me or what? Good thing that Billy kid was there in time too fill in the arrest for me. Huh?"

"W-what..?" I sputtered out in surprise.

"You heard me." The voice sounded a little bit off, but I knew it was him.

"No, no, no, no.." I mumbled, shaking my head.

"You really thought I would be gone for good..huh darling?"

I kept my mouth shut, waiting for the right time to let my voice out.

"You're at that bitchy friend Tatum's house? You don't plan on calling out for help do you?" I spun around in different directions, looking around to see if anything was out of the ordinary.

"You look so helpless up there, looking around like a lost puppy."

"Just leave me alone..!" I yelled through the phone. I placed it down without hanging up. I attracted the presence of Mrs. Riley and Tatum. I felt a hand placed on my shoulder.

"It's him Tatum.." I muttered without looking back. Mrs. Riley stood next too her.

"Wait what!? I thought Billy went to-" Tatum said.

"Its not Billy! H-He was framed..." I said.

"Dewey! Get over here!" Mrs. Riley yelled.

"Fuck.." I mumbled. I backed away from the phone.

"What happened!?" Dewey shouted. He held a pistol up to us as Tatum took me downstairs along with her mom.

He reached over and grabbed the phone. Dewey arose it up to his ear before putting it down and walking into the other room to continue his search.

-I'm on 2% so I had to cut this chapter short again, I'll make the next one long I promise 😭

Word count: 1173

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