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"Don't worry you'll be fine." The nurse said. "The fall you took surprisingly didn't severely injure anything. But, you might have a sore neck for a few days, so be easy on it." she explained, giving me a soft smile. "You can leave now, but make sure to take the medication every day. It helps your neck soothe."

"Okay, thank you." I said. She nodded, stepping out of the room. I turned my head to look at the medication pills. I groaned, lifting myself off the bed. I stretched my limbs and grabbed the pills, stopping to take a look at myself in the mirror. My clothes were changed to a blue hospital gown. I picked at the fabric as I continued to stare at the mirror. Small bandaids were put on the front of my neck, covering the former cuts that Billy had gave me. They didn't hurt like before.

After the Massacre at the Macher's house, stories and reports had been all over the news. Uncovering the two masked Ghostface killer's, and the two survivors that were pulled into the mess. 'Billy Loomis and Stu Macher' or '(Y/N) (L/N) and Randy Meeks' was the prime headline that sparked the news station. To think this all would've happened overnight.

Dewey completely mourned over Tatum, which I understood. They found Tatum's body, stuffed into the small doggy door in the garage, like I had seen. I haven't heard any recent news about Sidney. Sure, Billy and Stu mentioned 'killing' her, but they never said where or when. The impact made silly rumors spread like wildfire. Everything was turning into a massive headache for me.

The pills rattled in my hand with every step I took. I finally put them in the frail pocket that was apart of the hospital gown I wore. I peeked out the door, before walking out. I needed to check on Randy. I walked over to the front desk, placing my hands on the counter.

"Hello." I gained the receptionists attention. She turned around in her chair, taking one glance at me and giving a closed-eye smile.

"How may I help you?" She smiled.

"I want to see someone please." I said.

"Can I get their name?" She asked.

"Randy.." I bit my lip. "Randy Meeks."

"Randy..." The receptionist repeated, opening her name-filing book. "Randy Meeks- Oh! There he is." I half-smiled at her remark. "He's in room 211. What's your relationship towards them?"

I clicked my tongue. "Erm..I'm his friend.." she stared at me for a couple seconds. I frowned.

She parted her lips. "Okay, you can go back there." she said, smiling. "Don't stay for too long, it says he underwent through some surgeries. So it's best that he rests." she said. I nodded and walked off.

I turned my head from side-to-side, searching the room numbers. My face was met with a room, reading '211'. I pushed the door open slightly, causing a squeaking noise to bleak. I peeked my head inside, staring at the bed.

Randy's face was snuggled up against the pillows, almost buried in them. The blanket was tugged over his body. Shallow breaths parted from his lips. I walked in, rubbing the nape of my neck. I sat down on the large cushion chair near his bed. Randy's eyes fluttered open.

"Hey Randy.. How are ya' feeling?" I murmured.

"Like I've been shot in the gut.." He said in a groggy voice. I nodded.

"What I meant was-- How are you holding up?" I rolled my eyes. Randy forced a small smile.

"Fine." He sighed. We both stared off into the distance. "I'm not even surprised that it was..Billy and Stu." he paused. I looked at him, keeping my gaze still.

I could still feel the cold hands that were pressed against my skin. I felt sticky everywhere, reasonably, because of the corn syrup. I shivered, biting back my snap to reality.

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