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I just wanted to announce the following sequel of Scream Killer is published. Though, I only have one chapter out, which is the cast chapter. Anyway, the book is titled 'Midnight Scream' and is out on my page now. The book follows the plot of Scream 2, but there are a lot of minor changes. So, if you have any questions, then let me know.

I also wanted to say, thank you so much for 40k reads on this book, that's amazing and I never really thought this book would make it that far. But it did!! All thanks to you guys <3

I'll make sure that I won't have any major chapter delays and get them out on time. Because, I know a lot of you are impatient and so am I. & School's in like 4-3 days, so that might slow me down. - I'm looking foward to publishing a Stranger Things book. It'll be a little side-book that I tend to work on.

Okay, that's pretty much all I have to say. Have a great day/night ;)))

Update: First chapter of Midnight Scream has been published! 🫶

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