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I chewed harshly on the breakfast in front of me. The fork that was tightly wrapped around my fingers was picking at the stale pancakes Mrs. Riley had made. Sidney was already off to school, she sure was acting odd in the last week or so.

Tatum on the other hand was happily munching on her food, little drops of syrup drizzled from the corners of her mouth.

"Are you going too finish your pancakes?" Tatum asked.

"No. Take them." I said, pushing the plate over to her.

"(Y/N), I know you're upset about the whole thing but-"

"I'm not upset! I'm completely mortified Tate. Billy was innocent and I brought him to jail, fucking jail!" I ranted.

"Sheesh. If it makes you feel any better.. Dewey said he'll be releasing Billy probably today because they got his phone records in. So you can apologize to him at school." Tatum explained. She was chewing on her food while she spoke.

"I still don't really trust him though, Billy's a cold guy. I'm not really tempted to go apologize." I mumbled. I got up from the chair, dreading having to go off and show my face at school.

"Okay (Y/N). If you say so.." Tatum muttered. She continuously stuffed her face before looking up at me. "Are you leaving without me?" She asked. I nodded and rushed over to the front door, grabbing my backpack.

"I'll meet you at school." I stated.

"Noo! Wait. I'll come too." Tatum said, shoving one last piece of her pancake in her mouth. She skipped over to where I was. I tapped my feet at the front door and slipped on my shoes. She did the same as I opened the door for her.

"You're lucky you get a ride in my car." Tatum grumbled, brushing her hair to the side.

"Mhm, okay. I'll climb into the front seat." I peeked over to Tatum. She measly shook her head as I hopped into her car.


"Alright we're here!" Tatum said.

"I'm a little bit nervous about this whole thing.." I bit my lip. She leaned against her seat and turned over to stare at me.

"You'll be fine (Y/N). Like I said, I'll beat anyone's ass if they try to come near you." Tatum said. "Now come on!" she unlocked the car and took her key out, Tatum opened the car door and gestured her hands too follow her. I sighed and unlatched my side of the car and got out. My eyes landed on the school immediately.

My feet landed on the floor, they carried me to the school grounds as Tatum followed next too me. She gave a reassuring hand too my shoulder. I gripped my backpack straps and walked with her inside. I was met with what seemed like hundreds of classrooms and lockers and a gleeing Stu.

"Hey baby." Stu said. Tatum pulled him into a long lasting bear hug. She peppered a few kisses on his cheek. I giggled at how cute they were. Stu grabbed himself away before quickly turning over too me.

"Sweetheart! Man. I heard you couldn't come to my place because of that attacker guy or whatever." Stu mumbled at the last part.

"Yeah..sorry I couldn't make it." I said.

"No worries. I was pretty bummed, but I was busy anyways." Stu replied.

"Hm, okay." My response was dry. His eyes lit up as he placed an arm around Tatum.

"Oh yeahh! I ran into Billy. He said that he wanted to talk to you." Stu said. He looked beside him, his dark eyes watched Tatum. He moved away from her and dusted off his sweater.

"Uhm..I don't think I'd really want too talk to Billy." I muttered, brushing a piece of hair back.

"Wellll..you should. You wouldn't want to upset Billy, now would ya'?" Stu mocked.

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