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So far, two days have passed since school got out. I've been attempting to work many hours. My boss didn't even pay me a dollar. At the most, he would've gave me a quarter if he was feeling slightly generous.

My lips curled into a stale line, forming a frown in the slow process. The new town schedule was set, lights and doors must be shut after nine. There was no way Stu was going to have a party now. I smirked to myself and dropped a VHS tape flat onto the floor. I groaned and bent down to pick it up. I scooped it up and stared at the title, scoffing loudly.

"My Bloody Valentine." I mocked in a high pitched voice. I tossed it on the shelf and squinted my eyes, the bright sun was making me completely blind. I kicked my feet against the shelves, they rattled as I looked at the door. My whole body leaned over. I looked out the window near the door, staring at the familiar figures outside.

"Are you staring at Billy?" I immediately recognized the voice, it was Randy.

"No.." I lied.

"Oh come on, I saw you. He has all of these flimsy girls all around him, and doesn't even acknowledge Sidney." Randy started. "Like, he is such a damn flirt! The flirty guy is always the suspicious one in horror movies. He has killer printed all over his greasy forehead!" He shouted. The store stopped to glance at us. I slapped my hand over his mouth and raised an eyebrow. I mouthed a low 'shut up'.

He nodded his head slowly. I released my hand from his mouth and clicked my tongue.

"Not everything is based off of horror movies Randy.." I mumbled. I sighed and looked out the window again. A couple girls with blonde hair were giggling and twirling strands picked from their locks, they surrounded Billy in a circle. Randy flipped through his beat up leather wallet, stuffing it back into his pocket. He went back to his senses and clenched his teeth.

"I just can't stand obvious people like Billy, especially Stu. You know what, they're probably partners in crime. Both of them are already planning some big massacre murder event, or whatever. They can fool everyone else but no-" Randy's rant got cut off when another voice joined.

"What was that Meeks? 'Fool everyone else' and what?" It was none other than Stu, attempting to make a fool out of Randy. He grinned and pulled Randy's ear, twisting the earlobe. I swatted his hand away from him.

"Stu, stop that." I stated.

"Why darling? You got something for this doofus over here?" Stu cackled. He launched his fingers up to my face and traced my jawline, rubbing his thumb on my lip. Randy gawked at Stu and gave a disgusted face.

"Ew..Stu, you have a girlfriend. Having sex with Tatum every two seconds doesn't give you the permission to touch another girl." Randy said. Stu glared at him and rolled his eyes.

"Shut up. You like (Y/N). Don't ch'ya." Stu flashed a sloppy smile.

"What!? No, no, it's definitely not like that..at least, I hope it's not. Well, I wouldn't mind but...yeah." Randy stammered.

"Pfft. You don't even have the guts to fuck a girl." Stu murmered. That caught me off guard. I turned a vibrant shade of red and punched his shoulder as hard as I could.

"Be quiet Stu!" I yelled.

"Whaatt? It's true." Stu admitted. "Oh! And I got dibs on the party, my house at seven. I'll be hosting it in a couple of days. We're going to get all drunk and stuff, especially Randy." He continued, making a weird face in order to look drunk. Randy was moving his lips and mimicking every word he said. I couldn't help but giggle.

"Whatever, don't let him drive you away from work (Y/N)." Randy said, still completely annoyed.

"Wait!" Stu called. We both turned our heads. "Back to the conversation you were having with (Y/N) before I interrupted you. You think Billy's the killer?" he scoffed. Randy crossed his arms.

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