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The gum I was chewing smacked against my lips. I could smell the strong peppermint flavor going through my nostrils. My throat ached badly, like it was in need of water. I huffed and blew a strong amount of air out of my mouth.

Right now, I was attempting to spend a girls day with Tatum, and surprisingly Sidney. We chose to go purchase packs of beer and alcohol in general for Stu's party. I was happy Sidney decided to come along, and a little shocked that she agreed to go to the party, since she wasn't really a social type of person.

"Beer." Tatum stated. "We are getting lots and lots of alcohol!" She sang and did a weird dance. Me and Sidney both exchanged looks.

"Yeaahh.. We know." I mumbled. Sidney nervously bit her lip as we walked into the liquor store. Tons of druggies went here, but it was the best spot in Woodsboro to buy good alcohol. And plus, ID's weren't required.

"There's so many options. Ooo, lets get this one, I heard that it goes down hard." Tatum exclaimed, the excitement in her voice was clear. I walked over to the small corner and grabbed the handle of a shopping cart. It was dirty, but I didn't mind, nor did Sidney.

"Sidney." I said, without giving her a glance.

"Hm?" She hummed. Tatum was already at a fridge, swinging the door open and grabbing bottles that were bunched together.

"Are you okay? I feel like we haven't really socialized for a few." I sighed.

"I'm fine. I've just had a lot on my mind. I also wanted to spend some time with you guys, but these blood tight murders are just..scary." Sidney muttered. I could sense her chest tightening up.

"I agree Sid..I mean, Tatum over there just doesn't really care. I'm worried about all of this, I'm scared that I might attract the killer to eventually kill you guys." I admitted, looking over at Tatum. I could see her chatting nonstop with the worker. She wasn't even that close, but her voice radiated through the small building.

"How did she get along with the worker so quickly?" Sidney asked. I shrugged as she walked over to her. I followed behind, pushing the shopping cart ahead. Tatum placed the gigantic packs of beer onto the shopping car as soon as we came over.

"Hey guys! This is Lloyd, I haven't seen my buddy since high school." Tatum said. I raised an eyebrow at her. The worker forced a smile and shook his head. He looked like he was in his late thirty's.

"What are you talking about? You're still in high school?" I questioned. Sidney stuck out her bottom lip in agreement.

"Yeah..but still!" Tatum hissed at us. The worker looked terrified. The tag on his shirt read 'Jeremy'. I batted my eyes, confused at the shenanigans Tatum was pulling.

"Who even is this guy?" Sidney asked.

"I just told you! Lloyd!" Tatum yelled. 'Lloyd' who was actually Jeremy, leaned in to say something to us.

"I don't even know her..she's just freaking me out." He whispered. That was understandable.

"Tatum! You're delusional. His name tag clearly says Jeremy!" I pointed out.

"Stop bothering people you don't know. Let's just buy what we need and get out of here." Sidney quickly stated. Tatum rolled her eyes and huffed out a large amount of air. I chewed precisely on my gum, wanting to spit it out, flat on Tatum's face.

"Ugh, alright, fine. You guys are rude." Tatum pouted.

"Oh yeah. My name's Jeremy by the way!" Tatum turned to stare at him after what he said. He puffed his shoulders and ducked, hiding behind the counter. The other worker eyed us, she was scanning the last bottle the costumer handed to her.

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