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"Are you scared of me?" Billy instantly asked. I looked away and shook my head no, even though that was a complete lie. Yes, he was proven innocent, but my suspicions stuck to him, and maybe Stu now that I think about it more.

"W-Why would I be scared of you..?" I hesitantly asked.

"Because I know that you still suspect me as the killer." Billy replied.

"What do you mean? That's not true." I mumbled. I didn't want to tell Billy what I actually thought about him.

"You're lying." he stated. Billy was a few inches away from me. I stayed silent, listening to the loud noises that erupted downstairs. All of a sudden, a loud voice echoed throughout the whole house.


God, not another psychotic death. We all knew what would happen next. Everyone would go crazy-nuts and leave this ridiculous party to go check out the disgusting murder scene. I almost gagged at the thought. I could just leave this party too, not to check out the dead body, but to go home and snuggle up in my bed. But here I was, stuck in a locked room with Billy inches away from my face.

"Billy we should-" he cut me off for what seemed like the fifth time tonight.

"Who cares about Himbry's murder. You still haven't given me a full answer." Billy excused. I gawked at him.

"You don't care? Don't care that another murder happened?" I sputtered. To be honest, nobody liked that pervert of a principal, but Billy could act like he cared less about the whole massacre.

"It just doesn't matter. He's already dead. Everyone's been dying lately. So why does it matter anymore?" Billy's tone changed. I stared out the window and bit my lip. A cop car that I hadn't noticed before was pulled into the driveway. It was probably Dewey keeping patrol of all of the murder-hungry people raging out of the house. I kept my eyes focused on the window, staring out I could see Dewey stepping out with a familiar looking woman.

I attempted to look closer, realizing that it was Gale Weathers. Now why would he bring Gale to this party. I turned my attention back to Billy. Who glared at me immensely.

"Billy..I just don't know if I can fully trust you. I'm sorry." I muttered. I took off my jacket and threw it to the side. He sat next to me, I turned to face myself towards the other direction.

"I don't understand. I was proven innocent, so how can't you trust me?" Billy asked.

"I don't feel like I can. I'm having mixed feelings about this whole thing. Okay?" I said.

He reached out to cup my chin. I hated to feel so, but I felt comforted by his dry hand. He turned my body back to face him.

"Stop it Billy..." He flicked his bangs out of the way as I spoke. I swatted his hand away. My legs slowly swung under the bed, I kicked something, it made the sound of a plastic cup squashing. I pushed the object from under, revealing that it was one of those red solo cups that they pour tequila and alcohol in.

Billy looked as if he was expecting something. His foot timidly tapped onto the floor.

I shifted around on the bed, staring over at the slightly opened closet. I swear I could hear faint breathing coming from somewhere around there.

"(Y/n)." Billy broke the silence. "All of this is for a reason you know." he concluded. His little statement sounded odd.

"What do you mean by 'all of this is for a reason'?" I questioned.

"Maybe the killer..had a reason to do all of this." Billy said. "Maybe they just enjoy pulling that knife in and out of their victim's flesh, squatting it up and down, watching that fresh, sweet blood pour out and coat their hands a dull shade of red." he imagined.

"What the fuck.." I mumbled. "How is that intriguing to you?"

"It's probably just the fun in it. Gutting a body doesn't sound so bad." Billy rambled. He smirked, looking straight at me. Each second that went by, I felt more and more uncomfortable.

"Stop Billy. That isn't something small to think of." I remotely said.

"I'm sorry, am I scaring you now?" Billy asked, almost like he awaited the answer yes. I gulped down the tingles I got.

"Sort of.." I muttered.

The closet door tipped, making me feel uneasy. My thoughts almost scurried Tatum and Sidney away. I wonder where they were right now. Randy was probably flopped onto the couch, drunk and filthy. Stu's location is unfortunately unknown and not welcomed to guessing. I felt like breaking down right there and then.

"Billy. I'm leaving. This is too much." I finally said. I got up and was about to walk away, before he tugged my wrist. I sprang backwards, shifting sideways.

He connected our lips as soon as I fully turned around. Shit. It was the stupid ploy he did whenever he wanted to convince someone. I clearly was no different to him than any other girl. My instincts didn't push him off though and let him kiss. Like last time, Billy's skills at kissing haven't changed. But that wasn't the point now. Billy's arm wrapped around my waist. Billy's grin could be sensed under the layers of our lips. He pulled away and smoothed out his wrinkled, white t-shirt.

"You still think I'm the killer?" Billy asked. He seemed to be joking, but his tone was dark.

"I- uhm.." I stuttered. The closet door shook. It suddenly swung open before I could say anything else. God, seeing that slender mask popping out of the little crevice was the last thing I wanted to be faced with.

"Billy! Watch out!" I cried instead of an answer, slowly covering my mouth. Billy looked over his shoulder. He was quickly alarmed as the killer charged towards him with his knife in hand. Billy pushed me away. I fell against the bed frame, whacking my head with a large pound. The killer rose its knife, about to squat it down onto Billy's chest. I skimmed up to the my feet, rushing over to the door.

By the time I got there, the knife had already been planted in Billy's chest. He stuck his hands out shakily, dramatically falling onto the floor.

"(Y/N).." Billy silently murmured. "I'm..sorry..." he said. His eyes shut tight. The killer pooled the knife out of Billy's chest, wiping the blood off clean. He brought his head up to stare at me. I'd been so busy watching the scene that I didn't even bother to unlock the door. I cursed to myself as tears pricked my eyes, I switched the lock left and right, finally opening the door. He scuffed the knife and ran towards me. I squeaked and barged out of the room quickly.

Footsteps followed behind, my pace was faster than usual, probably because of the fact that I was getting chased by some psycho killer. Stu's house was like some sicko maze. I spotted a small storage room, I ran in there and shut the door before the killer could get in. My heart pounded, along with my chest rising up and down. I pressed my body weight flat on the door, the knob rattled as the wood shook intently.

"Fuck off!" I screamed. I didn't want to be his next victim, going this far, all just to be brutally murdered in the end. Or so I thought.

I could feel a stream of tears scram down my face as I sank down, dropping myself onto the hardwood floor. Blood poured down my face along with my tears. I breathed heavily and listened to the unsettling noises outside.

-HI. Sorry again for the chapter delay. I realized that I was making the chapter too long once it reached like 3000 words or so, so I decided to split it up and post the remaining parts onto another chapter. So surprise! This isn't the actual second to last chapter, chapter fourteen is. Chapter fourteen will be sooner or later since I already have some of it written sooo yeahh. Also, sorry for the short chapter ahhhh.


Word count: 1447

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